Mr. Damage

He wore a mask, just not the one you saw on TV.  RIP, Jason.

Mexico will somehow pay for it?

Musk has ZERO engineering experience. He pays people to be engineers they are also incapable of telling him no, because he doesn’t believe in the word “no”. He only knows “now” and “yes”.

His moves have been incredibly boneheaded over the years, it’s just finally catching up with him, NOW.

but hes not a brilliant engineer.  hes just a carnival barker.  spacex is thriving in spite of elon. and teslas engineers cant stand him.  hes not popular here in austin and people only go there to have it on their resume and they start looking at other places immediately. 

What if we mail CDs to everyone in the world with a copy of the Twitter client. We then give them like 300 hours of free Twitter access and after those 300 hours we get them to pay a monthly fee.

Someone set me straight if I’m off, but aren’t these colors still just RGB values like every color? Like, if I look up Pantone 17-3938 Very Peri (the 2022 “Color of the Year”, which is apparently a thing Pantone does) on their website, it (comically) blurs the RGB values. But a simple screenshot and MS Paint tells me

It was either cancel the screening, or let the PRC do another Fight Club edit:

Nothing will end his career except putting him in jail, and maybe not even then.

I don’t think the plaintiffs care about the money nearly as much as they care about ending his career.

It’s astounding to me how little so many people understand how our elections are conducted. 

Just for the slower among us, this is a data breach and not synonymous w/ “election fraud.”
Biden is still our President. 

or toxic work environment...

They’re massively popular and no need to knock others down because you’re out of touch. It’s pretty easy to avoid popular Youtube channels if you choose to.

Zuckerberg is going to fight someone. Lose. Then release all that dude's personal data. 

Strong contender here: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve

and Adobe comes with an entire suite of tools across multiple platforms, this is one thing most of the competition just cannot offer

Yeah it is an awful idea for the PC for your safety and for the fish (unless you're a confirmed aquarist, 12L is really small and hard to maintain)

He’s not bankrupt. The bankruptcy declaration was a stunt. They had 50 million in debt on their books and tried to use that. Except, that debt is actually to a hedge fund, and that hedge fund is owned by his parents.

Great so let’s throw a 3080 and a threadripper in there amd see if we can’t boil some goldfish. And I am glad they put the tank on top because Chinese manufacturing never has quality issues that might cause a devastating leak.