Mr. Damage

I can only imagine why Apple might not want him to cover China as a topic for commentary. I mean how does Apple define itscompany values” regarding to China?

True, but as a professional editor who has had to do exactly that once or twice on some projects, it can be a very temperamental solution. Using it to cut out a word, or straight-up end an otherwise normally spoken sentence? Sure, that’s doable. Trying to string individual words from larger sentences together to make

I am very happy to hear that they achieved this through using outtakes from the original Aladdin, rather than, you know, A.I.

Srsly, this decision has got “out of touch dad” vibes written all over it.

I look forward to Elon spinning this as a huge win for himself, and thousands of his rats singing in chorus about his victorious stratagems.

Also. wearing a hospital gown only means that he was in a hospital at the time they took him (and didn’t dress him, I guess). He could have gone to the hospital multiple times with his injuries. Even after Endgame. The fact that he needed help walking and had some leg function when released from the Skrull pod, but

There are some cybersquatting laws out there I think, but not sure how enforceable they are, especially if the occupant is outside the US. 

IANAL, but presumably they’d be fucked.

What are the legalities of "restoring" it if they didn't renew and someone legally bought it? 

Tesla sells a fraction of what actual car manufacturers sell and has completely squandered any lead they may have had in the EV market. SpaceX just blew up their rocket & destroyed the launch facility because man-child Musk insisted on launching on 4/20.

Tim Cook understood Musk is just like Trump, a fragile narcissistic man child that is easy to manipulate by stroking their ego.

That just means AI will be making the calls. We’re already seeing robocalls. Having AI do it is some sort of hellscape I don’t want to be part of. 

Haven’t had a spam call in months.   Thank you Google Call Screening/Spam Block. 

I still get 8-10 spam calls a day.  My phone no longer rings for non-contact number.  I HATE IT.

Some people just need to get beat up once in a while to give their Narcissisms a check. Though I am glad it ended peacefully.

The conflict is the point.

They made Mario Woke! 

I wonder how much of it was siphoned off by him and stashed in various accounts secretly. Maybe none, though - the smarter play for him here would have been to quickly try and settle for some jail time and a major fine, then get out of prison in a few years and still have hundreds of millions of dollars. Instead, he’s

It would seem that the most practical way to address this is to only consider actual USD that entered the FTX system as “currency”, and to consider any crypto tokens as $0 USD. Counting crypto as actual “money” just obscures the truth. So, if you invested $10M in USD, you are a creditor of that amount. Whatever these

The period method does not work for gmail.com. Google does not account for periods in your gmail address.