Mr. Damage

I had forgotten about nonsense like DataPlay, back when the music industry could not get out of its own way when it came to digital music. Almost every year, there was some new approach that it pitched as the future of music but was actually intended to lock things down as tightly as possible. Consumers were

This is a case where hte jury was basically “fuck these guys” and with damn good reason. Juries are given wide discresion as finders of fact, and unless there was something faulty with the jury instructions or soemthing, it seems pretty uphill battle to challenge the finding of fault or the proportions.

I guess it’s time for Charter to raise rates, cut customer service staff and add a new mystery line item to their bills.

Unless I’m seeing something different from whoever wrote the article, it seems to be showing a price of $229.99 rather than $160.99 that the slide shows. In any event, the stats on it are as barebones as can be managed while still being capable of running Windows 11, including a 1.1 GHz processor, 4 GB of RAM, 64 GB

They thought he was bullshitting, then he made an offer they would be financially irresponsible to ignore. Now they are trying to push it through because all his fucking around has cost them alot of money and tanked the stock price. But I think they mostly are gonna sue him to make him give the 1 billion cancellation

They should suspend his Twitter account until he either pays up or pays them some amount to let him be free.

Wait. What? I thought early on they were trying to brush him off?

about damned time he pulls out of something...

As we all predicted.

That’s just great. The Ghandi Effect is somehow called the Mandela Effect in this universe. Someone zap me back home, please.

It’s more dangerous than many people understand. The underpinnings for Alito and the other 5's decision is based on the concept of personal privacy. By making this decision, they are blatantly stating that the people of the US have no right to privacy of any kind.

It was news 3 years ago, and at some point in time they supposedly committed to changing it. The “new” news is that surprise, surprise, it didn’t change.

One of many reasons why I never wanted this stupid app on my phone.

This isn’t actually news, though, right? We already all new this. Wasn’t this what everyone was freaking out about like 3 years ago? TikTok data isn’t private and if you convinced yourself it was, then that’s on you. 

I honestly wonder if at this point, the bureaucracy and officials who have gained prominence for doing Zero Covid in China have essentially taken on a life of their own, and are now a powerful institutional force in their own right that would have to be fought if China was to move away from Zero Covid.

Because they see the higher price you “should’ve” paid as lost revenue.

Plus once they realize you’re not in your seat, they sell your seat to someone else, essentially letting them get paid twice for a single seat.

More people are not getting their kids all of their childhood vaccines because they’re all “viral experts” now after refusing COVID vaccines.  So I wonder why this is alarming?

Didn’t an asshole cop post an equally tasteless meme? My god where do they find these people?

I don’t think Musk is afraid of the SEC. You can see it in the way he shit-talks them compared to the Chinese government or EU regulators - both of whom would be more than happy to give him a really severe punishment for rule-breaking (the EU’s got those nasty “5% of global revenue” fines).