Mr. Damage

CNN on one TV, MSNBC on the other, WaPo in his bathroom TV.  Fox News and OAN mysteriously blocked from his TVs.  

There are still 200K+ likes for that tweet in the article. That’s 200K+ more likes than there should be.

Holy Carp!  Duck!


I also have issues with the preferred pronoun. After all, he, she, and they (plural or unknown singular) have accepted usage for the last several centuries of existence of English language, modern or otherwise, if nothing else, for factual sake.

Honest question: in which context?  In the original context or in my example?  

TBH, I didn’t even know deadnaming was a thing until this article and what not. I’m in the side of the camp that you call Elliot Page whatever he wishes to be called.


That is probably the most neutral, correct an answer that will offend the least. That said, the way deadnaming is presented, you’re bound to offend some individual, at some time, at some place, well intended or otherwise.

Because Florida. Those two words means a whole lot.

Spiked 104F after the same vaccine earlier this year, in May. Had to get Covid Tested just to be sure. It was a terrible weekend.

So, serious question coming from Pro Audio side of things... How did they figure out the whole phase cancellation thing? Because depending on how it’s all set up and deployed, you can get more bass in some spots, and no bass in others.

So, indeed arbitrary and capricious.  An infant is less arbitrary and capricious than this.

Needs more Godzuki

If the buttons were the 6 buttons SF2 style layout instead of the 4 button SNES layout...

Authy still wins for me because... well.... 2FA everything under one umbrella.

I have a pretty decent set of HTS set up properly, and with a baby in tow and what not...  Yea, I think HBO Max wins.

I’m sorry, I sincerely hope nothing happens to your Grandmother in all of this.

Big Tobacco, Big Sugar, Big Oil, Big Anti-vax.  All Big on crap.

If you buy a dumb switch (not a router and definitely not a hub), then it should theoretically work,