Mr. Damage

I generally drink to forget, but same diff.

I have a feeling that some rogue fisherman or lobster lover caught him and had him for dinner... And I'm blaming PeTA for that slight error.

You lookin' at me? I will irrumabo you!

Yea.... No actually.

Aha! The first one to ever call me out on this!

Nice. Pain upon entry and exit.

Outlier here. 6PM to 1AM... Didn't get out much did he?


Not sure.... That JJAbramverse ship design is throwing me off... with the Lens Flare and all that....

In video, especially in a live setting, you want a lens and camera that will be versatile and won't have to worry about fumbling around, changing lenses in mid shot, and lose things that will never happen again. Therefore, even if the lens is slower, I'd rather opt for a 18-200mm all in lens than 18-55mm or a

Welcome back Panasonic. We missed you. The Lumix FZ20/30 were the first of the bridge cameras that mated killer optical lenses (F/2.8 at all ranges for DMC-FZ20, and 2.8-3.7 for FZ30 with SLR like controls for both zoom and focus) back in 2005 before m4/3s and E-mounts took over the world and made these kind of

This was going for $20 for a bit last night (you do follow @KinjaDeals, right?), but $23 is still the second lowest price ever. This looks like your standard 5-port wall charger, but it actually has an 11,000mAh battery built-in as well. [Lumsing 5-Port External Charger, $23]

Disconnect would work just as well.

When all you got is a hammer....

This is so teh awesomes!

Well, nothing better than to start the ye olde conversation with:


Can we get this verified? I'm so making one of these into a coat of arms for io9!

Please share, so I can make a fine vectorized version of said motto on a coat of arms.