
It's not supposed to come out until the end of October, likely with an update.

Actual sales at this particular time =/= vague opinion polls (nothing is said about the next phone being purchased being the iPhone 4S; many people can't even upgrade right now without breaking contract.)

Where are you getting those stats from? Your ass?

looks like a mix between ajrimmer and your mother.

Except there should be heavier results in South Africa.

Phobia- "A fear, horror, strong dislike, or aversion; esp. an extreme or irrational fear or dread aroused by a particular object or circumstance." This is from the Oxford English Dictionary, not... where ever you get your definitions from.

Shark fin soup dates back to the Ming Dynasty. Quite a bit before Chairman Mao was even born. Also, if shark fin soup's popularity rose out of necessity then I'm pretty sure they would eat the entire shark, not just the fins, but of course that's because shark fin soup originated as a delicacy and remains so today.

If I'm ever in IKEA for less than 6 hours, I wasn't really *in* IKEA. And my boyfriend will be there the whole time with me. Team-lifting FTW.

"This very escape could be happening in Libya as we speak."

(flicks -> flix)

I like these sort of nonsensical stories' tendency to use the word "fuck."

Because I hate you.

The article doesn't have anything to do with security cam technology, how they work, or how innovative designs or gadgetry helped save the day or something to that effect.

I just don't get what this has to do with Gizmodo. Because they used cameras?

Did Intel back Firewire?

"virgin" in material usage means that it's not recycled and lasts substantially longer before degrading, although I've only ever heard it used to refer to plastics ("virgin plastics").

What's the punchline? Oh wait. There wasn't one.

I am a teenage girl. *giggles*

You kind of come off as stalker-y, btw. Like, really creepy.

Not really, it's more about the mystique behind them. WWII is heavily romanticized here in America; we even call the people who fought in it "The Greatest Generation." I mean, really.