
Not wild about the yellow (gross), but otherwise the design is very solid.

iTunes. Netflix. YouTube. Amazon. Any number of legal options.

Well, reading the actual source material, it doesn't actually say that they estimate there's 5M trees. They say that their data includes 5 million trees, which leads me to believe that in addition to satellite imaging et cetera, they also have this specific data set of 5M counted trees mentioned in this map.

Here's the thing, though. Satirizing (by the way, satire is the word you were looking for, not sarcasm) is only effective when you've got your facts straight. If this article in particular had said really anything overly positive for Apple then sure, there'd be a point. But nothing about Apple's R&D or releases is

I could definitely agree to the Adamo (and Adamo XPS) being precursors to Ultrabooks, though. Sort of laying the ground for the devices of today and whatnot.

The XPS 13 doesn't meet Ultrabook criteria, namely it's over 3 pounds, no i5+ processor, or 4GB+ of RAM. It is very thin, though.

What technology did they invent? A front facing camera? An LCD screen?

Apple made this software! You clearly read the article!

Bizarre music, but did anyone notice the stand that the Spectre is on looks a lot like an iMac base?

One could use this exact same (stupid) argument for when 1080p became the new standard: everyone in television shot in 480i and used a 4:3 aspect ratio. Technology progresses.

It's just a ridiculous term to use, but thank you for granting me permission to "get pissy," seeing as I had already done so (really just being satirical, but you get my drift).

Original meaning (according to the OED): Bless- To make ‘sacred’ or ‘holy’ with blood; to consecrate by some sacrificial rite which was held to render a thing inviolable from profane use of men and evil influence of men or demons.

They're a blessing? Does a priest have to deliver them, or will prayer suffice?

My partner uses an Aeropress but I'll never give up my French press.

James Hoffman's cupping method is actually really easy, as noted by the author, who says in the included article, "French press now might be the ultimate lazy way to make coffee."

Oh, please. Overextracting with a French Press is a myth.

Some of us like the walled garden.

Not even kidding, I am going to miss the Year of Honeysuckle so much.

Jesus (or other commenters), can you back up the allegations against Attenborough?

Facebook did do that with Timeline. Only people with dev accounts.