
I work with the team at my company to make cars that people actually want based on market research rather than what the government tells people that they want. If people want electric cars that cost more money and pollute the environment WAY more when being built than traditional cars do in their lifetime then that’s

Second year in college, I got a 1998 V6 Camaro....then I put a SS exhaust on it. Got beat racing a TDI. SMH what was I thinking?

Time for you idiot liberals to start paying for the 10 trillion dollars that the last idiot in chief added to the national debt.

oh...but we can’t change those emissions laws...after all, the pollution from those vehicles is causing global cooling, oh wait, global warming...nope that’s wrong too, climate change.

I had never heard one before I test drove mine....so I had the dealer start up 3 different cars before I bought the one I test drove to be sure that the engine noise was normal.

Are you truly calling for a coup de tat? What kind of nutjobs are you people? If you hate America so much, I hear Venezuela needs people.

Need to get a grip on reality buddy. Read the constitution. If Obama didn’t get impeached for his high crimes and misdemeanors I highly doubt that Trump will.

Liberals continue to come unglued about Trump. WashPo is hardly a credible news agency any longer as they have been completely soaked into the ideology of the immaculate one Barack Hussein Obama.

It’s amazing that liberals were never this mad about the things their presidents have done that have gotten Americans

The Democrat party would not exist if the treasonous southerners had been prosecuted. Likely wouldn’t have had years of the Democrat created KKK and would likely have not had the disgusting Jim Crow laws that were created by Southern Democrats to keep blacks subjugated.

More of the “journalism” that I’ve come to expect from Gawker sites....no specifics as to which airports are affected nor anything other than half expanded details about the devices.

Just look up the thousands of pipelines scattered across the country and tell us how this pipeline is any more dangerous than the others? How many gallons of gas and oil are spilled EVERY DAY in car and truck accidents? How many gallons are leaked naturally from the underground deposits into underground water

Do they sell pedestrian insurance for Cars and Coffee meetings along with this package?

“Geologists have seen river piracy, but nobody to our knowledge has documented it happening in our lifetimes,” noted lead author Dan Shugar, a geoscientist at the University of Washington Tacoma, in a statement “People had looked at the geological record thousands or millions of years ago—not the 21st century, where

Just drive a BMW when entering a roundabout and then screw using the indicator since they are purely optional anyway.

Yeah, but we got a street car now. ;)

KC is an awesome city. Just moved back after 4 years away. Great arts, entertainment, shopping, and the best BBQ in the country. As a crossroads city we have the best of every regional style of BBQ.

Yes...we must exploit the labor of the teachers so that schooling can be free for all. It isn’t fair that professors in colleges make hundreds of thousands of dollars while elementary teachers make mid 5 digit salaries. Doctors don’t deserve to be paid well for what they do. Everyone is entitled to their labor

Absolutely, your are 100% correct. Those greedy rich people don’t pay their fair share. They have been holding down the populace and exploiting the labor of the masses to enrich themselves.

Yes, people must be forced to participate in elections. They must be jailed if they don’t participate. They must vote for the party. They must support their comrades.

Oh, please do. Democrats have been closet socialists for years. Please openly embrace socialism. Please openly embrace Marx. Please save this country from the evils of capitalism.