Dallas Yu

1. This is Fake News. There are hundreds of thousands of women at these marches. It’s not a bunch men getting to gether to slut shame some women. You’d know that if you were trying to report the news instead of spreading a message based on a lie (men are evil and trying to control women’s bodies!)

2. If you’re

Republicans are running a racist Cheeto.
Democrats are running a pro-fracking/anti-climate change, war monger

This is beautifully written. Thank you so much

“WHY ISN’T SHE WEARING A BIKINI?!?!” They screamed pointlessly into their screens.

Seriously lads, are y’all so addicted to porn it needs to fill every single moment of your day and outlet of your entertainment to get your kicks?

“-Their thinking tends to go, women are taking over Twitch and tricking swaths of men into donating money-”

Now playing

I’ll always remember Sarah Haskin’s take on Romantic comedies:
They’re not a character so much as a shell to project into that assumes you’re white-ish, well of financially, and having trouble in love.

Some people play XCOM like a puzzle they’re trying to get through as efficiently as possible. Other people like to play it like a challenge put forth by the designers to overcome through adaptation and repetition.

It’s a single player game, so play however you feel most comfortable. No judgement or need to defend

Battlestations Harbinger (FTL meets real time manuevers and combat)

Dear FBI,

If you want to make a game about the slippery slope of blame and distorted logic that leads people to turn to terrorism, I would suggest a different approach.

Your current incarnation of this idea as a game is so far removed and abstracted from your intended goal that it fails to do anything except make a

Sweet! Have fun!

Another important early game strategy:
FLASHBANGS! Flashbanging a Sectoid removes Mind Control effects from your troops, kills the reanimated, and prevents them from using any special abilities next turn. Flashbang’s also wreck the aim of every enemy they affect, so if you need a turn to reposition or save an

Now playing

I wouldn’t say stupider. Just that there’s now fewer steps between what passes for thought, and then action. Compounded atop the fact that with social media, everyone is now one contact removed from everyone else.

I mean, I don’t get it. Is “I think my penis is awesome! I’ll send this girl a pic of it, and she’ll

Winter Sale 2015
There are 5 paragraphs in this article.
Half Life 3 Confirmed guys!

I’ve noticed that most guys who make a comment about a fat woman on the internet are angry at her because she doesn’t fit their ideal masturbation material.

You see, to the misogynist’s mind, all pictures of women on the internet, are, can be, or should be sexy images, because women on the internet are things to be


Donald Trump truly is the GOP id unleashed, with no apologies, delicate turns of phrase, or deflection.
They are racist, homophobic, sexist, hate the poor, and will do everything they can to make America into a place where you can only be happy if you’re rich enough, and/or white enough.

Which is why Trump supporters

Money over human lives. A man’s words over a woman’s. And fame makes everything okay.

We saw it in Steubenville. We saw it with Ray Rice. We see it here. And I want to say it’s a football problem, but it’s a problem with the systemic acceptance of violence within our culture.

Pro-tip: Don’t fucking hit your S/O. If you

Does no one remember Urban Assault from Windows 95? C’mon guys!