Dallas Yu

As I have been for the last 15 years, I’m cool with pretending there’s only ever been 3 Star Wars movies.

Sorry. Don’t need his like here. If he can’t keep himself from screaming in spittle soaked rage at someone over a video game, he can leave and let the door hit him on the way out

He has no class, sportmanship, or maturity. So naturally he would make a video crying about how he’s the wronged party, and that it’s really everyone but himself who’s the reason behind his ban.

My only hope is that the people who view him as some sort of role model of acceptable behavior will be so butt-hurt by this

I’m not a Riot employee, so I don’t have any idea how much market research they’ve done on other specific avenues of revenue. Most of my knowledge is from what I’ve heard from other developers, or what I’ve seen in my own experience.

I really don’t understand.

League is not pay to win. You can acquire every character with time without spending a dime. And everything purchasable is either cosmetic, or in the case of IP boosts and new characters, requires considerable effort to reap its benefits. At which point you still need to have a certain level

OMGOSH That’s brilliant and adorable!

We’re getting ever closer to Dennou Coil. I am pleased

I’m just glad that all the casually sexist boyfolks who don’t know how to exercise basic human decency towards women finally have Gamergate.
It’s like the Confederate Flag of gaming culture: An easy indicator of someone’s level of ignorance and/or asshattery.

Okay, after reading through all of that, I really have to say you are a gentle and patient soul. I hope the guy asking this question listens to your advice.

Dude. This is the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. And I’ve spent the last three weeks reading about this Ashley Madison crap.


Weird. I turned on the GG autoblocker for twitter and suddenly I see almost no harassment towards her. So. Strange.

Lost another great addition to our community.
1. Because some guys don’t know how to keep in their fucking pants.
2. Because some folks can’t exercise the bare minimum of basic human decency and politeness.
3. Because some folks can’t deal with the fact that a woman is better and more successful than them at a

I’m bloody embarrassed to live in this state.

I’m all for people celebrating their heritage in history, but it really pisses me off when people attribute some false B.S. positive meaning to the Confederate flag.

First. World. Problems. Proof that people really will bitch about anything. Especially in a game like League, where even giving the appearance of appealing to a group that isn’t teenage boys leads to loud whining.

Geez. We’re playing the game 50 feet up in the air and they complain about the characters face and the 3

Gamers. Proving once again that we really don’t have real problems.

I dream of the day when combat is like Sword Art Online.

I’m puzzled how that helps your point. If it was the publishers then that’s still not her forcing her opinions on anyone.

She made a series of videos, made a name for herself, and developers (or publishers) reached out to her because they thought her views could make their game better. I.e. someone with money and

Hey. You do realize that she doesn’t actually just show up at a studio with a court ordered mandate that they listen to her, right? If she’s at a studio talking to developers about how they should portray women, it’s because the studio in question wanted to get her feedback because they respect her opinion.

Some might call that censorship. It wouldn’t be, since censorship is a thing that only the government can do, but it is saying that she shouldn’t have the right to speak. And that’s not right. If you don’t like what she has to say, then don’t listen. Simple stuff.