Dallas May

That seems to be a bit more geared towards smartphone evolution. It skipped over some of the most influential phones such as the StarTAC, Razr, and the famous Noika phones. I had a 3320 in high school that after I finally upgraded after 4 years (2004), shot it with my paintball gun three times and ran it over with my

"It's one of science's ultimate goals, and perhaps the only thing that could prevent humanity's ultimate depletion of the Earth's resources — the ability to create more energy than is used to make it"

Step 11: Erase "10 Steps to Commit a Murder and Get Away With It" from your browser history.

It's about as close as any Olympic sport comes to having athletes jump off a building and timing which one hits the ground first.

Alright boys! This is yer blaa... er... ball. Have fun and play nice!

Motorola came with about $3 billion in cash and no debts. Plus they sold Motorola Home for $2.35 billion. Sold Motorola Mobility for $2.91. Motorola lost like $1 billion since close.

I find it strange that they list the KJV at all. Shouldn't it just say "The Bible" in x number of translations just like it says the "The Koran" in x number of translations? Its not like the Bible was written in English and then translated FROM English to other languages. Like it even says it was written in Hebrew,

Longest Ravens running play of the season right there.

The land bridge idea has fallen largely out of favor, due to a preponderance of new evidence.

Well, it's a winner-take-all poll. If 10 counties are 40% TAMU/45% UT, then the map is going to show no support for TAMU at all even though TAMU might have much more support overall than Iowa or Indiana.

Well, I would say it comes from the energy put into the system as part of setting up the dominoes. Each one has potential energy stored in their upright stance. Oddly, this is exactly what all the conspiracy theorists could not seem to recognize when it came to the Twin Towers pancake collapse. All that stored