Dallas May

It’s still a problem, just not as big of a problem as it used to be. Most asbestos containing materials aren’t used anymore, but it is still installed in new buildings even today. 

“it could ban the substance outright, something it has never actually done.”

Anyone that thinks it would have to be a bad and very stupid parent to do this is dead wrong. As a parent, I can 100% imagine how this happens. Especially if you have multiple kids and a new baby. I can 100% imagine the situation where your 3 kids are all crying and you are late for work, and you have to drop them off

You might check your history again. Almost all of the great thinkers that brought about the human innovation you speak of were quite religious.

I also bet you believe in aliens despite having absolutely no evidence of their existence.

"We will find the answer someday."
But that statement is one of faith itself. You cannot objectively guarantee that statement. You BELIEVE that statement is true, but you have no evidence of that. I can just as easily say "We will never ever find the answer" and be just as demonstrably correct because neither of us

Where does Independence day and other "man vs. alien" stories lie?

Don't think me up and saying "well,I don't know, so no one can ever know, so there. And shut up." is an appropriate response.

I understand the intent of your question, but don't think it has the same applicability. A God that is not bound by the physical observable universe is also not bound by its laws. Therefore God does not need a beginning. Simply put, the rules don't apply. This is also precisely why theology should not be taught in

Once you allow for forces that are outside the observable and testable universe, then the "what made god" question is moot. If the super natural is defined as forces not subject to the laws of conservation, then by reduction the limitations of the laws of conservation can't be forced into them.

This is fundamentally my biggest problem with atheistic theology. The law of the conservation of energy is the most fundamental law there is. With out it, there is no quantum physics, no relativity, no evolution, no science. But, yet, at some point you have to acknowledge that for the Universe to exist, the

I actually think this is a good idea. Websites probably should randomly change everyone's passwords for them occasionally.

Not official, but I like this one better

At 0:02, what is that massive green city?

Okay, let's think about this...
Amsterdam is already a city that's underwater, and now you are going to build a bunch of tunnels for an "underground city"?

One misconception that annoys me is the thought that humans are continuing to evolve. Since virtually every single human has the ability to produce surviving young to the next generation, we are no longer evolving -at least not in a Darwinian use of the word.

I'm actually okay with reasonable data caps. 500 gb/month is pretty reasonable.


Yes, that is a good way to say it. In a strict sense, humans can only create abstract things. We cannot create mass or energy or space or time. (All of which are the same thing, whatever that thing is, but that's beside the point.)

To your 99% of people using the word wrong, while I don't know about 99%, again I say

You might consider refraining from throwing out insults to random people online. It makes you look immature.

great job. You discovered the soccer ball...