
Remember when CONTROL'S first silenced pistol was simply the agent shouting over the sound of the bullet?

Also on loan from CONTROL...

Great article!
Also on loan from MI-6...

Someone get her to sing the Doctor Who theme.

well hot damn, they finally found the missing malaysian airliner

We need a soundtrack. Like Pink Panther theme or something.

It's good to see Apple being much more open under Tim Cook. I know a lot of people will say, ''oh, these features were on Android first!". Ironically enough, Apple was getting criticized for now having many of these features. Apple's just integrating these ideas in a more ''secure'' and unifed environment. I don't

This is essentially the same way the Bush administration shipped $12B in CASH to Iraq.

They fly Blackberries in a Piper Cherokee.

Most commercial jets use inconel for the large (9 inch +) bolts that fit major sections of the plane together. These sections are typical exposed to extreme temperature variations during each flight. Up at 35,000 feet at 500mph extremely cold, down on the tarmac in Summer, extremely hot, inconel doesn't care. This

I was born in NYC and moved to California in my youth. There's very little I miss about New York, but the Deli food is at the top of the list. So many delicious things that the majority of Californians have no clue about. Bialys, Potato Kinishes, Matzo Brei and a good Pastrami on Rye to name just a few.


Who knows, indeed.

Looks like Star Trek: Into Darkness was pretty accurate..

9.7. The guy slipped a little on the landing, that's a deduction.

Def Peter Parker! But why is he hiding out in Russia?

"To be honest, I wouldn't mind one last jaunt through the old orifice."