
The only difference is that the guys holding the cash in this picture ARE the thieves.

The best tomatoes come from my backyard. Same for basil. Jersey soil is the best for that. All summer, I dine on those plus locally-made mozzarella. Mmm mmm. Won't be long now, the plants are growing as we speak....

Immature, depressed, or unintelligent? That only makes me run the other way and not look back.

Looks like a Darwin Award competitor.

We assume that the laws of nature that work here also work elsewhere. So the speed of light and Einstein's equations work the same everywhere, and hydrogen and helium burn at the same temperature and with the same color everywhere. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

Looks like I picked the wrong day to give up smoking.

Re Kickstarter version for porn: isn't that what [youporn.com] is all about? Or maybe someone will come up with Kockstarter.

"Why don't they make the whole plane out of that black box stuff?"

I've always wondered that, myself.

I think Kodak was planning a retaliatory strike against Polaroid for that big patent suit.

When I'm at someone's house, I don't enjoy the warm, red wine that's been sitting around on the counter. People hear that it should be served at room temperature, but don't realize that the room in question should be the cellar of a medieval, French castle in February.

Just last night, the Google satellite showed a picture of a small wedding taking place on a rooftop in Pasadena. (And some very fat lady off to the side.)

I have a whole package of wooden utensils with opposing parts that move just the way I want them to. They're called chopsticks.

I'd think that electricity would make food taste like an unagi roll. Yum.

You press the special button and get slapped by a Big Butted Monkey?

This was the finding of New York State's Court of Appeals, so it applies to state law. But isn't this still a violation of Federal law?

If I had a million dollars,

So the super-tight airport security wouldn't have detected this bomb, yet the law-abiding public continues to be subject to molestation by the TSA.

The reason is that time slows down the faster you go, though it isn't noticeable until you approach the speed of light. So even if you could overcome the physical limitations of superfast travel (powerful engines, huge quantity of fuel, etc.), you couldn't overcome the time. From the perspective of your ship, you