
Not sure why, but I thought this was hilarious. Oh, and; Wow, Joanna, your eyes are just beautiful. That’s it I'm afraid, no snark or clever pop culture analysis.

I got it. And you're not far off, either.

There is so much wrong in this picture. The girls' faces; good grief, it's horrible.

I hope their fucking YACHT sinks.

I'm English and I met my American wife on Facebook, so we had almost three years of only being able to communicate on our phones, via Messenger, Skype and Google Hangouts. I now have mixed feelings about those hours spent gazing into her eyes across thousands of miles; on the one hand, it was a lifeline that we

Actually, a beer can is called a “tinny” in Australia, so you’re ok there.

Yeah, the "you DO realise that Hitler and the Nazis took away all the privately owned guns before enslaving most of Europe" brigade; they seem to use that argument to justify pretty much any stance against gun control.

My wife has Fibro and CFS, if this fucking wank puffin had left her at the side of the road, he wouldn’t get far enough away that I wouldn't go looking for him. What a turd.

Given the name of her daughter, I’m not sure how comfortable I am with the image of “...lovingly feeding your partner homemade organic Apple sauce.”

I assume they ask if you “want korn with that”

To clarify;

Nope, UK KFC is fucking horrible.

Wouldn't "pulled pork flavour" be more of a logical choice?

Yes, and she developed a life-long hatred of endives, which she and her displaced family practically subsisted on during the battle of Arnhem. Her malnutrition was the main reason she was unable to follow her dream of becoming a ballerina, although arguably this gave us Audrey the Movie Star, for which I am eternally

Strange. I love Horgan and I think Catastrophe is fantastic (you are right about Pulling, that is superb) she and Delaney make a brilliant couple. Seeing them interviewed together is hilarious, too, they really spark off each other well.

Interesting, I read that you’d need to eat them all in one go (or that much potassium anyway) to overdose.

“Mom: (after extremely long pause) why would you do that?

Yeah, I laughed. The laughter seems to conjure the image, it’s unfair; “Hahahaaargheeeewwww!"