Dale Lennox

It begs the question- what came first- the product or the purchaser? Is that alleged criminal ..black?  OMG!!

TURKEY? TURKEY? Really? Who gives a sh** what they name their streets? All I want out of those AHs is the Saudis that killed Khashoggi, and as long as Trump is in charge we’ll get them.

Make up your mind Angela. Do bkpipo remain soooo racist and bigoted they want to pick the TYPE of allies they want? That is idiotic.

First off, where’s the crap about the BAD CRACKER picking on a 70+ year old man. Secondly, 4 guys? really? This guy has one foot in the grave and it takes 4 liberals to threaten the guy? Pretty lame, even for white guys. After all that Angela, please offer proof of the following statement: “U.S. Senator Mitch

Dang! That stuff Nugent said sounds almost as bad as the average rap song when bkpipo are talking about each other!

Donald Trump likely does not care for or about black people.... REALLY?? REALLY?? His aminus is sooo great black unemployment is at an all time record low. WOW! Obama must have REALLY hated bkpipo! 

DNA?- duh

We are losing more people in Chicago in a weekend than the armed forces do! Doesn’t anybody get it? Here’s the problem:

Can anyone on the ROOT spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I -S-Y? Suddenly Ellison’s case is “different” than Kavanaugh?  The ROOT was going to LYNCH the white guy!  There are only two reasons Ellison hasn’t resigned yet. #1 He’s a person of color, and Democrats really need him to show they’re ‘down with the cause’. OR It’s ok because

YO Alvin! Don’t delude yourself into thinking you’re ‘down with tha cause’ with some silly hat. Don’t wear the slogan- BE THE SLOGAN!!  All of Africa awaits!  Feel free to quit your job and move immediately!  There is nothing stopping you!

Racist? That’s absurd. Everybody on the ROOT KNOWS this guy’s a rapist! 

NOW a Race Issue? REALLY? First off, Democrats pulled every BS move they could and tonight Kavanaugh will be a Justice on the SCOTUS anyhow. NOW it’s about race? This guy was runnin around with his fly open rapin women for two months! (BTW this guy’s a boy scout compared to BJ Bill Clinton.) NOW he’s a racist? REALLY?

Nevertheless, the four witnesses she named could not corroborate any of the events of that evening gathering where she says the assault occurred.” (This is bullshit, by the way.)“ Please substantiate this claim with FACTS. Go ahead a lynch the guy because you WANTED him to be guilty! And btw, feel free to move to

How about not getting the undivided attention of the popo by being a law abiding citizen? Wouldn’t that be easier?  

For you duller folks, the 10th amendment reads as follows: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”  What part of this simple statement keeps getting past you geniuses?  OH? It’s the ROOT? Never

YO Mikey! For most people of average intelligence voting is no harder than getting and ID or a driver’s license. Sorry you are having so much trouble.

I figure if Latinos voted Republican instead of Democrat there would already be a 30 foot high electrified wall along the border with machine gun posts every 100 feet.

Yo Anne- you missed something in your rant: “Another Washington Post article from Sunday noted that the White House Press Room is overwhelmingly white, though it didn’t detail precisely how that whiteness affects coverage.” The word is LIBERAL. Ya know? The same Liberal that bkpipo seem to conveniently forget kissed

Yo Weepy- the FBI (the same guys that tried to FU## Trump) did 7 (that’s SEVEN for you duller blades) background checks on the guy and came up with ZERO. The ROOT liked them fine when they were kissing Hilary’s butt- what’s wrong with them now?