Dale Lennox

NNNOOOO! Let him get ‘Kavanaughed’ for a while! A couple of months of “guilty until proven innocent” will do him good. Maybe we can get Kamala Harris to ask him lots of idiotic questions like she did Kavanaugh!

Hey a brutha gets in trouble and that thang about the woman (or is it only black or liberal women?) MUST be believed suddenly goes out the window? WTF? This egomaniac is “considering” stepping down from his DNC post? That’s a laugher. He ought to ‘consider’ a freakin jail cell. Don’t let the door hit you Sweetie!  Meth

Yo Mikey! As I recall the Georgetown be-atch it seems you have only given your readers half the truth (again). Professor Christine Fair, issuing a statement to TheWrap disassociating the university from a tweet in which Fair called for the castration and execution of white men. Would you be runnin your mouth if it had

This is news?  WTF?  The only newsworthy part of this thing is he hasn’t dumped her (she being his politically correct choice) and started back on his ‘vanilla’ diet.

The only reason Sanders has to explain what is obvious is most media people and blinded by their far left radical ideology and can’t understand basic facts. Ford’s testimony (or lack thereof ) was self explanatory.  Ford is either delusional or lying- or both.  

I am all for people voting. Bear in mind REPUBLICANS have black unemployment at an ALL TIME RECORD LOW. Also keep in mind Obama said there was no way to get the GDP above 4- ever. Guess what? It’s 4.2 and rising.  Ask yourself “What have Democrats done foe ME lately?”

Why is it bkpipo are so bigoted and prejudiced that anyone supporting the president is crazy? I myself like my wallet. I like my wallet fat and happy. I have more money in it due to Trump’s tax cuts and I’m working more than I want to. 

Hey where’s the article about some others who have suffered sexual assault and violence? May I suggest the victim of an assault by Corey Booker and Keith Ellison? If Ms. Judge is SO concerned about the victims why hasn’t she written about them?

Black unemployment is at an all time record low. Want that to change PDQ?  Keep listening to all the liberal HS. 

The RUSSIANS gave most of their money to CLINTON! Now why is it they would want the person they bribed to lose? 

No educator with any brains would have done this. 

There are two sides to every coin like: Have you ever noticed that bkpipo will do something racist to a white person and then expect the white person to be understanding and not get offended? It happens all the time..

This kid deserved better.  NO educator in his/her right mind would EVER say this.  The family will win and I’m glad of it.

I think this is both bad and good. It makes Senators look more cowardly and stupider than usual and serves to clarify Kavanaugh’s innocence on his way to the Supreme Court.

Didn’t  stop Ted Kennedy from being a Senator- but her killed a girl too!

6 FBI background checks and what did the FBI find? ZIP!

Sleepers too?

Ok Issac, You have Daddy issues. Quit WHINING AND GO TO ALANON. Obivously your negative childhood experiences have clouded your rational mind. I can’t think of any other reason you would generalize people’s behavior while judging them by the color of their skin.

Harris actually showed her lack of ability for higher office by acting like a high school kid and asking some of the STUPIDEST questions I have ever heard. Kavanaugh ran circles around her.

Let’s see... a white perpetrator and a white victim is basis for ANOTHER BS argument how bad racism is?  SSSUUURRREE