
For some reason, this looks incredibly fake to me. Like, some kind of crazy CG work or layering of video or something. Is it just me? It's probably just me.

I find it almost humorous that in other parts of the world, infidelity can destroy, or at least harm, a career, but here in the states most people don't even bat an eye, and a couple weeks after the fact, nobody does.

I'm in the exact same boat as you. So much excitement, and it never pays off. I don't know if that speaks to my being an older gamer with more discerning tastes than I once was, or if the games simply aren't as good as they once were.

What's up with the Klingons wearing helmets. Is that normal? Because I don't remember ever seeing a helmeted Klingon.

Well, Enterprise (the series) did have the alien doctor on board. And the Vulcan.

More people than you might think. They just don't talk about it because they know it's wrong.

I use ESDF for pretty much everything. I find it to be especially helpful as a healer in MMOs because I have easier access to way more buttons, and in FPS games having easier access to switch weapons is invaluable. Since getting my Naga, it's less important, but I still can't move away from ESDF. I even tried, once.

I came to explain exactly this. The video mostly goes to show how unoriginal the media can be when it comes to national stories. I work at a newspaper, and we do it every day.

My thoughts, exactly.

People still use email? I had no idea!

I would go so far as to say they SHOULD have.

There was a Battlestar Galactica Online?

I'd hit that.

I actually really liked that game as a kid. I used to play it all the damn time. Maybe I just didn't have any sort of reference point in order to determine whether or not it was "bad". And props on beating it. Not sure how many of us are out there.

Well, that's pretty neat!

That's really too bad. It's a great concept for a game. Should have been free to play, though. I know I, for sure, would have played it.

Or just tell people there's a pool on the roof, then lock them up there.

I think you're misunderstanding. The arrows are there to indicate the beginning of a content block, much like with television. The latest arrow, the one that says "PC Gaming Lives", is indicating that for the next hour, the majority of articles posted will be for PC gaming.

This ... is beautiful. I would totally ditch the beard just to use one of these.

This makes me all kinds of happy.