
Why don't you tell us how you really feel?

This looks like it could run into the same issue Wario Ware for the Wii had, which is having to pass around a controller. Going from the GameCube version to the Wii version was a huge disappointment because you lose the flow and excitement when constantly having to stop and take turns.

Sounds like a bad '80s movie. Maybe if the gameplay goes that way. Like "The Wraith, The Video Game" I might be on board with it. But ... probably not.

I have to completely disagree with your headline. The game looked absolutely horrid. Gameplay looked mediocre, at best, and the art direction was hideous.

Seriously ... worst name ever.

I had the exact same thought.

I like these posts. They make me smile greatly.

Good to know Kotaku cover games for toddlers, too!

Just sent you a friend invite.

What's your Steam username? I actually happen to have an extra Half-Life 2 license.

Hmm. Depending on the library, this could be neat. I think, however, most people that might be interested in this would probably already have everything emulated.

It's like if "Out of This World" went 3D. That's what it reminds me of, anyway.

Ready Player One was a FANTASTIC read. Took the top spot on my list of favorite books about halfway through. Full of fantastic references and other great stuff.

Too awesome for words.

I despise living as far south as I do. It stays hot here forever (we get about three months of cool) and the leaves never change. I'm really looking forward to heading north and enjoying a major change of scenery.

@HowardC: This is the greatest comment I have ever read on this site.

@Mr.Wake: I was thinking more on the rental side, but you bring up an excellent point.

@ESREVE12: Man, I love Parasite Eve. I never did manage to beat the first one, but I got damn close. I should bust that out again, myself.

I just got a PS3, but have no games. No clue what I'll be playing, yet, but I will be playing something. Whatever Blockbuster has, probably.

I still can't see myself using this for more than the awesome navigation though the menus. And that alone is not worth my money.