
@Twilight Sea: I couldn't disagree more. I find World of Warcraft to be much more social than Final Fantasy XI. Experiences differ from player to player of course, but my personal experience in WoW was much better, as far as the people were concerned, that FFXI.

That Sorcery games looks fantastic. Everything I wanted in a Harry Potter game is now here, in a non-Harry Potter game.

I'm actually pretty excited about this one. I've yet to play the previous entries, but this looks like it's going to be a lot of fun.

Do we know how people walking by will affect it? If I'm on the couch and my roommate walks in front of me, is it going to fastforward or something?

Nice. Were either of them wearing tutus?

I had Bell's Palsey when i was in high school. It'll end, at some point. Mine lasted for months. A co-worker, however, had his last for about two weeks.