Sounds like you’re just upset that you don’t know as many words as other people...
Sounds like you’re just upset that you don’t know as many words as other people...
seems like these commentors want it to to be statutory rape trying to start a witch hunt here, I’m sure if it were we’d probably would hsve heard about it by now plus he seems more concerned with being caught cheating and wife finding out then trying to hide or deny it
Kino is firmly established to be a woman, but conciously chooses to use “ore” and male mannerisms out of simple preference.
Definitely a girl. Although when traveling alone, it makes more sense to look like a guy.
huh, Kino was definitely born female. I always thought the androgynous look was to avoid unwanted attention while travelling... anyway, wiki wiki [spoiler?]: “In the anime, Kino’s gender is ambiguous in the beginning, but was confirmed to be female in the fourth episode, when she first meets Hermes and borrows the…
I would like to remind everyone that Patreon has the right to decide what content is allowed on their site as they are a private business and they do not have to allow you to crowdsource your creepy fetishes if they don’t want to. Nobody’s free speech is being violated.
Kino is female. There is an “original” Kino (part of the back story) who’s male and is the impetus for her journey.
It’s all on wikipedia’s anime/manga portal, BTW.
Kino is a girl. The flashback episode in the first season confirmed it, and there was even a dumb AU light novel spinoff where Kino was a magical girl. I don’t understand why CR subs say “he” all the time.
“Insert a Naruto joke here”
Before I say anything else, I want to make it perfectly clear that you’re not wrong at all. Working like that sucks and isn’t healthy. With that said, it’s the way the industry is, and as long as publishers exist, holding devs to deadlines and cost and quality standards, insane work conditions are going to be the…
This love affair gamers have with FF6 feels a bit misplaced. The progression system was atrocious where monsters gave virtually no experience points and bosses gave none at all. There are segments that are arbitrarily difficult like the rafting segment where you can lose the game to one hit from the boss, and when…
Well, I found my new answer to the question: “Death challenges you to a game for your soul. What do you pick?”
It’s not rare though. Hasn’t really been for decades. This is people trying to convince you it is rare so they can get your money.
And now for the required serious take on this funny comment:
Said with zero irony on a site spawned from the Gawker brand
Beats the fuck out of the kinja echo chamber.
I’m all for increasing the representation of school girls. They just don’t get the the time they deserve in Japanese media.
nah that guy just really fucken hates magic
It probably didn’t come up on their radar due to lack of exposure.
they have a legal obligation to protect their IP or they could lose it