Why the hell would they have an employee at Valve receiving Visas passport and visa information if they didn’t know anything about the types of visas? That’s an incredibly dumb thing of you to assume. If that were the case, why would they even bother asking for a passport or visa?
Example A of standard reply to any senran kagura article.
Sorry Beth, this isn’t a matter of opinion, it is fact. As someone with a trained palate (sommelier), Coke Zero, and Diet Coke, have two very distinct flavors. As someone who also loves Soda, I enjoy Coke Zero, but really detest the flavor (especially the after taste) of Diet Coke. On a side note, most somms that…
Well, it’s Konami, who are known for respecting and delivering to their fanbase.
yes, by that logic, all forms of competition and entertainment is boring to you as long as you don’t partake yourself.
So if she had Galaxy Notes on her would she be counted as a suicide bomber?
So much for not staying silent when you hear someone getting harassed in an online game. Calling people names does not help the situation.
I’m gonna go out on a limb here, but I highly doubt that is going to make a difference. It does kind of make you sound like an asshole which usually ends up being a kind of greenlight for more harassment and abuse.
No, it’s PAL because it’s also the version released in Australia and New Zealand.
I like how you managed to be insanely misogynistic AND misandrist with the same moronic thought.
I think it’s shitty to think that he’s the reason she did this. She’s capable of making her own choices, it doesn’t have to be the guys fault just because you don’t like what she did
That description is nope as fuck. Working on your wedding day out of some sense of vocational obligation? Perhaps admirable in a dedication sense, but so depressing from every other aspect. Love what you do and all that, but getting fucked over a barrel in the process? Nah. I like my wife and kid and golf too much for…
What are these people smoking that are saying that AM2R looks better than this new one? I appreciate the retro-aesthetic as much as the next guy, but I think Samus Returns looks fantastic. (Oh, and a bit of advice to whomever wants to spend 6 years recreating a Nintendo game without their permission - don’t do it -…
You people, you fucking people, killed this industry. You kill diversity in the name of “Diversity”, you exclude in the name of “Inclusion”. Now I know for sure my twitter history will be dug thru in lieu of the quality of my projects. This is a mood killer for me and just... thanks. Thanks for letting me know my…
the sum total of McCain’s record of brave or maverick-y actions consists of “giving good quote to reporters.” That’s it.
Weight is mass times gravity. Force is mass times acceleration.