
think the big thing to establish is that she’s not obligated to reply, which I think we both probably agree on.

My main issue with this, and I have said it a lot lately because things like this have been popping up in post-apocalyptic media a lot lately (the 100, I am looking at you!), is that there is not a chance in hell this would stand.

Yeah, but like, if this goes the old Hollywood route where every studio tries to one-up the next studio with bigger and more dramatic smooches I’m gonna vomit.

John later apologized for much of what he said in anger. Before GamerGate was ever a thought on people’s minds he advocated for ethics/proper discourse in game journalism. Unfortunately, plenty of alt-right dickheads latched onto that phrase as an excuse to be dickheads and the phrase has since lost its meaning.

Are you trying to shame him in death? Because that was just a reminder of how fucking great he was.

Funny you mention that, because there is literally a comment in here calling him a Nazi/Nazi-enabler. It’s like they root for people with differing opinions to die, shits crazy in the Kotaku comments and it is infuriating.

He had opinions. You didn’t like them. Clearly that means he deserved his fate. The amount of jealousy from nobodies on this site is tragic.

I’ve been out of the loop on Civ 6 updates, so my initial reaction to reading that there are now “Water Park” districts went something like “Ah yes, Orlando wasn’t truly a great city of the world until it built Typhoon Lagoon”

This is good. I really like the expansion. Haven’t had time to play more than a handful of games. But what I did find was amazing. I found the era points kinda hard to come by at times and was the only person not in dark ages at one point (not in Golden, either). Looking at some of these (Aerodrome), it fits right

This site runs on Kinja commenting, which means you can make one account that works for every single news source, blog, etc that uses Kinja. I’ve never been to this site before now and I didn’t have to make an account either.

It’s not about this data being used in a basic sense, but more that it was previously exposed by default via the Steam API. It’s becoming less and less tenable, from a user data policy perspective, to default to making data publicly available.

I understand the type of information that was on Facebook, as in addresses, phone-numbers, emails, political beliefs, family members, etc.

It’s a necessary casualty. I don’t think companies can really afford to default users’ data to visible anymore. Not in this atmosphere.

Free speech means that you have the right to sing the lyrics of a song, even if some people feel like you shouldn’t be allowed to.

Damn, I would have killed to have so many girls interested in mainstream gaming when I was in high school. All these boys are lacking vision: a shared interest is an unbeatable icebreaker. Dumbasses.

Never let it access my contacts or manage SMS, and my contact info box is EMPTY. I got rid of the app ages ago, but yeah, this just goes to show that my instincts were right.

I will say this: looking at my posting history was hilarious and sad. on the former front, why did i write this in 2011: “1-800-WET-POOCH. we

For me, it was Pokémon, even if I didn’t give a shit about it back then.

On the one hand, part of me resents the fact that I grew up in a period before tech like this was available. Adult-me knows just how much kid-me would have taken advantage of this.

“AI leaders afflicted with the dreaded spelling bee bug obsess over things like religion, sometimes to their own detriment, because they have no default values for other important qualities.”