Vacuum Leak

Full Cage is a good idea

I’m here and ready to watch football at a racetrack.

Thank you for having the only logical response to this article. This is what happened. I was at the race and everyone loved it. Fans were on their feet cheering. This was a drag race to the end which is a lot better that a dump and run in the final corner (see Chase Elliot circa 2013).

I second this. granted he jumped the gun on his initial outside/inside pass attempt. After that when he finally had the lane clear to hit the gas he got on it a little too hard and chased the slide into custer and since he had a nose on custer when they hit it caused the truck to turn in even more. definitely not

I buy this. This looks worse than it is. He didn’t run him into the wall and pin him there.

But a real pony is AWD...

Some of us are happy that glaciers have moved. Growing up in the red river valley in North Dakota... Had a glacier not receded it would have been under hundreds of feet of ice. The Red River of the North flows North due to this.

How is any of this car news!

But what can one do to be considered un-racists, when, if you did such a thing and then spoke of it, you’d be called a racist?

You may have unintentionally found the only amusing use for a time out doll.

Lucky for him it’s not an STI.

That's how you lay pipe

Because we get people who move to the state and care nothing for it. I’m a 4th generation Floridian, and echo exactly what you say. For all the crazy shit and awfulness here, it is stunningly beautiful, has some of the most unique environments and ecosystems on Earth and has an amazing history..and the fact that

South Floridian here just trying to provide a counter balance to the “see ya, assholes, you won’t be missed” posts that are undoubtedly already here with more coming.

Her tweets are too boring.

Fixed it, your welcome.

That looks extraordinary. In a league of its own. A fine automobile for fine gentlemen.

For some reason, when I see the pics of the Maybach you’ve written about, I see the image in my mind instead...

Like your handle, maybe we’re related..