Vacuum Leak

I had this game on PSP and I can only imagine how much better it was on an actual console. 

So the i3 is a weird jelly bean with 2 doors and the i4 has 4. Perpetually confused by BMWs numbering scheme.

I don’t think the engine knocked before coming inside. Rude. 

I agree with everything in your post except when you said if they keep making these movies, it’s going to *start*  to look satirical.

I guess if you’re against the colors used you might think this looks bad. But it looks better than most of the F1 liveries the majority which, let’s be real, are lacking a lot of interesting design and use of color. 

I do like the old model, regardless of the 200 similarities. I don’t really think the 200 is bad looking. I also like the refresh, but if I ever have to get a minivan, I think the Odyssey is the best looking one. 

This commercial lacked a lot of emissions cheating diesel vehicles from the same company. 

It’s me. I’m the reason movie companies will produce this stuff. Because even though I hate it, I’ll be there. 

With the exception of Chicagoland, Atlanta, and the Kansas night race, most of the racing at “intermediate tracks” sucked last year in comparison to 2017/2018.

I own neither type of truck and don’t care that much but can Chrysler stuff from the 90s early 00s be that much worse than GM stuff? My sister had a 2002 cavalier and it was a total piece of shit. 

Agree on the headlight to grille ratio. That was the difference I noticed in the renderings of what people think it will look like. The lights looked like a mix between the concept and the 2GC and it worked pretty well. 

It’s probably blind fandom of BMW as a brand, but I kinda like the renderings I’ve seen of what the production 4 series could look like.

The donk community would like a word with you big wheel haters. 

I wish they’d scrap the extra dollars you have to throw down for the special colors and just offer these right out the door. The world is depressed because we all have grey cars. 

I didn’t think all the models will have xdrive? 

I’ve said since the beginning that I don’t mind the FWD, though it’s funny given BMW’s old marketing schemes. I can get passed the name Coupe on a 4 door because I really like the 6 Gran Coupe and now 8 Gran Coupe.

Am tall, can confirm. It’s overrated. Planes, buses, old movie theater seats, item organization on shelves at stores, self checkout kiosks, door handles, handles on rolley coolers, handles on rolley trash cans, etc. pretty much everything in this world is obviously designed for the average person (rightfully so) and

How is a 5 year old Toyota “ready to retire?”

There are plenty of GM products in south Florida on 28” wheels and larger already. 

Got it, Ford Edge with Mustang taillights and a sloped rear window.