Vacuum Leak


VW knows that these are the only pokemon there:

Yeah I hear ya, but it’s still an ugly concept. For comparison, look at Mazda’s rotary concept. Still a concept drawing, but see my point? Just make it look attractive, don’t sit there and make it look like the world’s biggest taser.

This is a preemptive warning:

I'm not sure how a cop joke is any more a sign of immaturity than your butthurt over that joke.

At first I was doubtful of your statement, but pigs really do fly.

Coupes have 4 doors, pigs fly and Donald Trump is running for president under a major party nomination. I don’t know what’s real anymore.

I think the fuel is to blame.

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Are you reading this, Pulitzer committee?

I strongly disagree on both the consumer and commercial side.

While I agree the C6 looks better, there’s something about this Grand Sport that makes me like it more than other C7's. That said, there really is something about a simple design that just works like the C6. Too bad the interior is so boring.

Totally agree, the C6 looked great, this looks like GM was trying too hard. And I've never seen an ass that ugly.

It’s the stripes that make it look too boy racer? Not the entire design that looks like New Jersey Bloomin’ Onion Haircut Italian tried to draw up a Ferrari?

That’s the best use of that $13 Ikea playmat carpet (or, you know, something close) that every single parent I know has. I want to go to my kid’s playroom and sweep the Hot Wheels and trains off that thing and cut holes for my pedals and gearshift right fucking now.

Actually screamed when I read the headline.

While it’s easy to condemn her, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say most of us have probably ridden in a trunk of a vehicle at some point. I know I have (thanks, mum!).

Counterpoint: BMW sells like 8 different models with a kabillion variations in the States already, in addition to the MINI lineup, AND compete with themselves via the flooded used car market.

The Hoon Law sounds like it was lifted right out of the old Reefer Madness documentary. Push that button, your car instantly goes sideways and next thing you know you’ve got girls wearing short skirts and promiscuity is on the loose.

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Not the first time a truck caught fire at a NASCAR race