Vacuum Leak


Damn. You.

I’m damn sure that’s R2-D2 hiding on the right side of that engine bay.... Just sayin....

Really? Only one thing left to do, then.

I always loved the look of the 348. It wasn’t as fast as the hypercar Ferraris, but it was a worthy successor to the 308/328. Honestly, if I were to buy a Ferrari and couldn’t afford a Testarossa or find a 456 I liked, a 348ts would be fantastic.

Stance is the “everybody gets a trophy” sect of the car world.

Stance gives the world the runs.

I owned a 348, and it is neither ‘slow’ nor ‘ugly’. It’s a fantastic car, and the last of the truly analog Ferraris. Even ABS was optional. People who shit on them are either Ferrari snobs or have no idea what they’re talking about. And the collector market is starting to come around to them now as well.

you forgot the I in ruins.

You didn’t answer his question. The possibility of them hitting you does NOT prevent you from slowing down. Them hitting you is THEM causing their own accident.

still in a public beta phase

Everything I want is too expensive and by the time I can afford it humans won't be allowed to drive anymore. Doesn't sound like life is worth living

If their salaries paid for their cars, have at it. If their effort involves asking mommy and daddy to write a check, they probably should have spent more time studying.

“Mens don't take selfies with mens." — Words to live by.

That statement is true for most of the best looking cars and women.

If they fail to meet my expectations, I will just buy a shiny new Ford Tempo.


That joke is repulsive.

And the Jeep transmission problem claims yet another life.

Also, when you make a list of the most awesome functional intakes, this should win: