David muscleguy

Speed is irrelevant when you can buy a Kia that’ll do 0-60 in 3.5 seconds. Quick is pretty meaningless these days.

The only reason it’s the best they could do is because the marketing execs think they need to posture to spec sheet dumbasses. I guarantee you they said it had to have a V8 and it had to be hybrid, and that’s why they were stuck with this monstrosity.

Seriously, people, don’t be heroes. If someone breaks into your home to take your stuff, let them. File the insurance report later. There is nothing in your home, save yourselves and family (even then, fleeing is probably more sensible than fighting), that is worth fighting to keep. The crooks have already decided it

What a terrible tragedy. I hope they find the asshole who did this and bring him to justice. 

I had an ‘04 Accent (1.6L, 4A), my lifetime average was only 26mpg, and I had a handful of tanks drop into the high teens (I also only had one tank ever beat 35mpg), through lots of city driving. Just a miserable little shitbox, and mine was only 10 years old and didn’t have much wrong with it that wasn’t wrong when

He just got 303 million shares from Tesla, not “a $56 billion paycheck”. So yeah, you would assume that he cares if the stock price goes down.

I’m confused. I think you misunderstood the point the author was making. You are both on the same side of the fence...

I pay for F1TV. It is NOT a steal. It IS expensive for what you get. You’ve been brainwashed into thinking that streaming should be considered a value-add. They don’t even support greater than 1080 resolution after over 6 years in service.

Where, at any point in this piece, did I say I was mad?

Wow this take is so bad you got me to log into my Kinja account for the first time in years so your bosses should be quite happy with you.

Q: what could Tesla have done with $56,000,000,000 in assets to improve the quality of their cars? A: a lot.

I have very much enjoyed your presence, your writing, and your journey for years, Mercedes - I just wanted to let you know.

Nail, meet head.

And the irony of course is that often times the most successful ideas are the ones that are new and “out of the box”. That’s why they got everyone’s attention in the first place (including the investors). 

I work in entertainment, and this is one of the realest and truest things I have heard someone in this industry say:

didnt a recently departed writer for jalopnik just post this on twitter saying

Mercedes doesn’t really do fun. Not even the big engine AMG ones are fun in the way that BMWs always seem to be. Unless you are Clarkson and just want to drive sideways smoking the tires. Not MY idea of fun.

$15k for a nearly 20 year old Dodge with 150k miles and one of the worst interiors you’ve ever seen? Sure, it’s got a bunch of power, but they are pigs. Heavy, ponderous things with little joy in driving them, and god awful sight lines. I’m all in at $8k.

Which short-lived, quirky BMW will be most desirable in 30 years?

If BMW can make the new 6 look like the Skytop concept, I will forgive them for the ugly grille that ruined the 3/4 series for me.