Daisy Sharp

Yeah you're right, and this is why so many women are having these terrible physical reactions to this.

Ah, I'm so sorry. I had a terrible physical response that took me by surprise, I woke up this morning with my whole body shaking, and it lasted for about an hour. I couldn't stop shaking. I didn't wake up yesterday morning at all, because I never went to sleep. I didn't have anything nearly as bad as what you

Kathleen Willey is such a liar that Ken Starr almost charged her. You need to read up on the 90's my friend.

This is a fantastic write-up of the Billy Bush story. I love it.

Did they discover why he's orange?

Oh really? Well if he's a non-out gay man she really just f'd with him didn't she? Now he's under the microscope. Jesus she really is an idiot.

I understand. I'm just venting. :) I agree with you.

Don't you think they should be better than that? They both make a damned good living off of feminism. They can't be bothered to understand some shit about it? Lena developed a series based in NY in 2016, or whenever it started, 2012? whatever, with an entirely white cast. When called out on it she hires Donald

I hadn't even considered that angle. Is that her message here? God knows.

When are she and her buddy Schumer going to apologize to white feminists for somehow getting appointed as our leaders and making us all look like insufferable, racially clueless asshats. That's what I would like to know. I want nothing to do with these two fools.

Yeah. To me the worst was when she said she had spent 20 minutes trying to "grind her ass on Michael B Jordan". Imagine if Jordan had said those words about a woman, especially about a white actress.

Really? Wow I didn't know that.

Mine is private because I don't want right wing men I outrage on one site following me all around the internet. Finding clues to your identity you've dropped without even realizing it over the years, is another good reason.

Rapists aren't Hollywood outcasts. You've been misinformed.

I can't wait to read his obituary.

I saw this as it was happening, I reported some posts, I tweeted support, but I felt really really helpless. I mean, it was an avalanche.

This was an incredible finale, I can't wait to rewatch it. I missed the 1st 20 minutes because I thought it started at 9, but noticed it trending on twitter and said, oh shit. I was not expecting it to be this awesome. I have no complaints, none.

Not everyone. I don't hate her at all.

Why is he so hot?

If Flockhart left I wouldn't bother watching. She's the best part of the show for me. The show is okay, it's not great. I hope it improves. But as it stands now without Flockhart, nah.