Daisy Sharp

Or that's who she was all along and that's why she and Peter got married in the first place. It's an interesting question. My life experiences have taught me there's an ass for every seat and it's amazing how often the right ass finds the right seat. Even when it doesn't appear to others that they have.

I don't think Alicia walks away from Peter at all. I think Peter and Alicia are a case of "god first makes em then he puts them together". Peter is the right man for Alicia. Alicia is the right woman for Peter. They are the same. The great tragedy of this story is Will, who spends a lifetime in love (since law

A predator who thinks of herself as a good person - yes she is! And I had the same thought about Will. LOVE seeing Josh Charles, but the fact that I realized Will was way too good for Alicia took away a lot of the emotional impact of their tragic love story.

There was a time I couldn't decide which was the better show, TGW or Mad Men. This was probably during season 5 now that I think about it, but I probably felt the same during season 4. To me they were the two best shows on television and I couldn't have decided which was THE best. That actually became ludicrous

That's true. I forgot about that scene. That brings even more ugliness to who Alicia is.

I stopped watching this mid season, everything I loved about season 1 seemed gone. I'm shocked they killed off Abby. That's insane. I would never tune back in now. I hope she gets a better show. This could have been a great show, season 1 it was a great show. What a shame.

I have to say I agree, and throwing in "disabled" to describe the man who did all those things really raised my eyebrow.

Huh. I agree with a lot about Olivia, I haven't really liked her for a while. (LOVE Kerry Washington though). But this episode didn't bother me. I thought it was a very interesting expression of explosive female rage. Maybe it's this election, but man I could relate. Honestly Olivia bashing in the head and face

I watched In The Heat of the Night on HBO on demand and really enjoyed it. I watched The Intern. Then I mostly just had lots of sex with my bf because we were snowed in together and talking sometimes doesn't work out so well.

Okay, I forgot about her. Yes.

Hmm. He doesn't ruin the show for me, but you're right about him.

Elizabeth Weber on General Hospital. I know, no one here cares about soaps. But this is a great place to vent about the untalented, baby-voiced, one-note, champion smirker that is Rebecca Herbst and thank her for ruining the only Soap I ever watched. I no longer watch it. Primetime, maybe Eve on the last season of

MoSam, you are not being inarticulate, I understand perfectly well what you're saying, and I agree 100%. It doesn't mean that 70 yo men can't be attractive - to 70 yo women! Enough with younger women claiming someone like Ford is still doable for them. He's not. I wouldn't.

My brother kept insisting that Ford still "looks good". No, he looks, sounds, and moves like an old man.

Yes I agree.

I know, the last part was to Tiger, where I said "before Tiger jumps in". I know you and I see this similarly.

You think Allison is to blame for trying to stop herself from being raped? Should she have not pushed him off of her and just let him rape her because a woman shouldn't defend herself from rape in case the rapist dies?

Yes but she left the site of a fatal accident and they make sure to fuck you for that because they know why you ran. I believe she would be charged with vehicular manslaughter and leaving the scene of an accident. Before Tiger jumps in, if you are SOBER, and you stay at the scene and explain what happened, you

Scotty was trying to rape a woman and she pushed him off OF HER BODY. No rape, no death. WTF is wrong with you?

I'll tell you what Tiger, I don't know what it's like in other states, but in NY State you try arguing that in court. It MAY mitigate your sentence, but your ass is going to jail IF you have a prior DWI to boot. Helen would be in prison. It does not matter if the pope would have hit the person anyway. You are