Daisy Sharp

Hi everyone on this thread - the person to blame is Scotty because he tried to RAPE a woman who defended herself. Allison, who I don't even like, is least to blame. Both Noah and Helen knew they were incapable of driving. They should have pulled over and stayed there. The person who said that if you are driving

Ugh, Hanzee lives. I hate that skeeve. I hate even more that he has fans. Scary world.

I can see feeling that way. But I'm a fan of a daytime soap and I've learned to be able to pretend something I really hate absolutely did not happen, so I've dismissed that. I don't think anything could really ruin this season, it's amazing for me.

I didn't like the UFO, it really took me out of the story. It wasn't earned, and it wasn't necessary. But this is still great television, I love the show, and I'm going to pretend that didn't happen. I hate Hanzee, I bet people here love him. I can't wait till someone puts a bullet in his face, and I wish it had

Oh, but it was supposed to be on Netflix. You are probably right though.

Where is Season 4 of Person of Interest??? It was supposed to be up on Netflix months ago.

Or Ed is similar to the lead in History of Violence. That's what I think.

Yeah I don't think she's a good actress at all. Gia, and that's about it. I think she must have been playing herself in that.

I disagree that Helen manipulated her. Helen's description of Noah is dead-on.

Yes. More Cole.

It doesn't make you a bad person, but falling in love with Noah specifically, makes you a very stupid one.

It's just gotten to the point where I can no longer suspend disbelief regarding Noah and Cole. There's just no way a woman chooses Noah, he is so gross. I've known way too many men like him. Helen really nailed it when she told Allison the 411. It doesn't help that Joshua Jackson is so goddamned hot. That aside,

The thing about men is that they do have a tendency to claim that the woman they are currently in love with is the only woman they've ever really loved. Some women do that, but I've seen it more with men.

Bill Kristol is a staggeringly stupid fuck with the most punchable face on television.

I only wish it was Whitney who gets run over by a car in the future. Any episode without Cole seems lacking at this point.

I was definitely a bookish 14 yo girl. I'll probably see this. Too bad about the lack of Hiddleston peen.

He's become the main reason I watch it.

Yeah I'm not that open minded and not interested in these kind of abuses excused as a "culture". I don't respect that, I don't accept that.

I don't watch MSNBC regularly since KO left. Maddow drives me crazy with her repetitiveness. It takes her forever to get to the point. Hayes is okay but I just get most of my news online now. If Olbermann ever came back I'd watch him again, but otherwise, meh.

Excellent point. I know about Taibbi but have also noticed that few others do.