Daisy Sharp

Thank you!

Thank you. I will copy and keep this.

This is so awful. I am so sorry.

What is going on with the comment system? I keep reading that it's going to be wiped out - no more Disq? So what will happen? I like disq because I comment on many sites with it, and never have to remember my password or screen name.

Welp, I've read the comments and given this a lot of thought. I've come to the conclusion that, until a woman comes forward and says she was coerced in any way, including being told a role depended upon it, or harassed in any way, I don't give a crap about this. He's a shitty husband. A lot of men are. I don't

The chances that she knows all the names are about zero, even if she thinks she does.

We have no proof whatsoever that he's a predator. I think this is way overboard.

I know, I wanted to give you something to do. God knows you're not getting laid.

Hey Fern, go f yourself k?

Oh I see. That is messed up then.

I love that. Even more as time goes by and I've developed my own rage issues. I really relate. I love Schwimmer's performance.

No. Ross makes me laugh.

I do it on my PC

Barr is batshit crazy, and in a very hateful way. Whomever greenlit this disgusting idea deserves whatever is in store for them, and believe me, it's going to involve plenty of pain.

It's a very weird feeling to realize how long Glenn Quinn has been dead.

I mean, now that you are mentioning it, there is an extra step on both Prime and Hulu that Netflix doesn't have. I have to put in the url first, and then stream it. But it's not a big deal. Do you want me to screen shot it?

I love The OC. It boggled my mind when it was cancelled while that stupid One Tree Hill went on forever. The OC rises above its genre, in my opinion.

Yeah, I can't bring myself to watch it because of exactly that. Oh well.

Is anybody really going to watch this movie? I read one critic call "Unbroken" "torture porn". I find Jolie somewhat fixated on that kind of thing. It's not for me. I'll never see this. As for the interview, I found the part where she recounts how the villagers fell to their knees in horror and terror when the

What does this mean? I watch Amazon Prime on Chromecast.