Daisy Sharp

This woman has the IQ of a derp emoticon.

Forget it, had no idea he was a lead on Chuck. I always meant to watch that, now glad I never did, and now sure I never will.

Really, what is he on? I haven't seen him since season 5 Angel. Haven't been looking to see him either.

That was one of the best things I've ever seen. Now, I have met some stupid people but the thing is, most people, even stupid people, are just that tiny bit too clever to record their stupidity so it can be broadcast on television. Not Nelson though. That was one minute of pure staggering stupid, and it was

How come no Shelley Fabares? Not that I am complaining, this cancellation is welcome news.

Yes you are. And you spent many hours doing so.

I totally agree. People, decent people, sometimes don't realize this. Rapists use the internet. Sometimes, they post comments on stories about rape.

The very idea that you have kids is upsetting to any normal person. That's a shame.

Oh don't sell yourself short, you know plenty about rape culture. You're an expert.

LOL It's so true.

I feel for you very much, and I'm sorry.

If you got hit by a car tomorrow I would never regret wishing it and I'd feel good about it. Sadly, even if it did happen, I'd never get the good news.

I am with you but it may not be the best idea to discuss your own rape on the internet with this kind of guy. IMO more than one rapist seeks out these kind of comment sections to whack off on, and I mean that literally.

I'm not one of the fools who believe rapists don't visit the internet. Rapists do. And they post comments on articles like this. They may seem overinvested. You may get the impression they have one hand in their pants when talking to women who for whatever reason, attempt to tell them about their own rape in an

There's at least one and likely several actual rapists hiding among the "rape apologists" in this comment section. Guaranteed.

Dan you're very invested in defending rape. Overly invested. Some will call you a "rape apologist". That thing that rapists hide under on the internet.

I'll say whatever the fuck I want to say and if this piece of shit comes to NY to schill her "book", I'll be there to tell her in person.


Let me be perfectly clear. There are a lot of RAPISTS disguised as "rape apologists" on the internet. Do people here believe that rapists don't have internet connections? Whenever you are in the comment section of an article about rape, some of the "rape apologists" you are posting with are rapists. I know this.

No there is no other perspective on what she said. You sound like a rapist.