Daisy Sharp

Hynde makes clear her comments are about ALL rape victims so go fuck yourself.

It's not a cause asshole.

I call her a rape apologist, a horrible person, a piece of shit, and a misogynist. Don't speak for everyone. If I find out her stupid ass is going to be on the Today show or some shit schilling her "Hey MRA"s, rape those bitches it's all okay" book, I will go there to protest her, and if I get the chance I'll spit

That's true. But this was really shocking all the same. To me at least. I mean this is pretty beyond the pale. Do you know what would happen to a male artist who came out and said these things? Like say Springsteen tomorrow decides to say that if a woman is walking around dressed immodestly and gets raped, who

I can't believe all of the comments stating they feel sorry for her. Read all of the other comments from men who just got the A Okay to rape. Think about all of the women who are now blaming themselves for their rapes. I don't give a flying fuck about this piece of shit, that's all she is to me. A piece of shit.

She's an asshole. Just a complete asshole.

Moronic. Women today are far more financially independent and the allure of the older, well established male has lost much of its appeal. We get to be visual now. And we like it. A lot.

I've never seen Joey, is it really bad?

Merose Place was kind of a backdoor spinoff of 90210

Ripoff Report does the same thing. On ripoff report anyone can post anything and do it anonymously. If you have a disgruntled employee or underhanded competitors, they can literally destroy your business this way. You have no recourse at all. It's really awful.

I still like Seinfeld, and I still like Friends, but neither make me laugh the ways Fraiser still does. I think Kelsey is a dick, but man that show is funny. What an ensemble, Kelsey included.

I love Marvel films and I'm not tired of them. But I really hated Guardians of the Galaxy. To me it was a cartoon. Would not see again. The Chris Pratt thing eludes me anyway. I would however like to sex Hiddleston.

I found that pretty funny.

Oops, wrong spot, this was supposed to be in reply to Cassio above.

I love the comments here. This is the best thing I'll read all day.

Yes it's problematic.

I heard Woody Allen's inclusion would have been "problematic"

As soon as I saw this tweet I was like, oh the comment section is going to be awesome.

I love this word "problematic". DW Griffith was "problematic". Down in the comments Polanski is "problematic". Griffith was a racist and Polanski is a rapist. Are racists "problematic"? Rapists? Well, I guess that is one way of describing them. I guess I'm not fancy enough for problematic and will stick with

I think you probably shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about. You come off like a arrogant male dismissing someone else's lived experiences. Or, perhaps, I hit a nerve. If you are an older man aggressively pursuing young woman, you might not enjoy hearing what an uncomfortable and unpleasant experience