Daisy Sharp

Sometimes I wonder if these comments are for real.

I laughed.

I don't think the fact that people of either gender aren't generally into romantic partners their parents age or older is really that difficult to recognize, sorry.

Also, it really unfairly leaves out a lot of talented hot young actors who can't get roles because Hollywood power men really think young women want to fuck old men. It's as if they think if you're 25 you don't want to be with a hot 25 yo. I wouldn't even date most of the actors who are in their 30's, maybe

The worst thing about the ridiculous age differences in film is that in real life it somehow makes much older men think you are going to be interested in them. Like when you're in your 20's they actually think they have a good shot and will aggressively pursue you and frankly, it's just gross and hard to deal with.

I am a girl. And I've kissed A LOT of boys. And I'm psyched as all hell for this movie!

That really is the funny part.

It's facetious.

He makes the most compelling case for the confederate flag I've read. Is the confederate flag a symbol of racism, or is it not? I'm going to come clean and confide here that I've been on the fence. But, if the flag is racist then the fictional television characters, Bo, Luke, daisy and Uncle Jesse would be racists.

You joke but Sears has been working the border and kicking ASS.

I am laughing so hard at this. This is hilarious stuff

Hmm. I may just smoke a joint and watch the the original Terminator instead. I'll see.

I watched the Nina Simone doc yesterday and it was fantastic.

I know! I am a big Buffy and Angel fan, and honestly I liked Dollhouse, but when I watched Firefly I was bummed. A big let down.

Exactly. Right there with you.

Jesus Christ the MRA's will go to Defcon 1 over this.

The Chris Pratt appeal continues to elude me. Also not a fan of douchebros talking down to women. I'm gonna skip this one.

I can see Chris Rock worrying about this. But Seinfeld? When did he ever say anything controversial? He wasn't even funny on his own show. I have never found him funny. His costars, yes. Him, no. Larry David is hilarious though.

I can't imagine my dad ever talking about me this way. The way he talks about his daughter. That's my takeaway from this quote.

Saw Spy and loved it! It feels like we women are getting more films that don't treat us like afterthoughts all of a sudden. I'm loving it.