Daisy Sharp


That would mean Hamm never gets awarded for Don Draper. So, that's a no for me.

Yes we're aware. Americans take a foreigner liking them as a killing offense.

Excellent comment, and yeah.

He's in season two of True Detective? I can't stand this guy. I couldn't stand him before this. There's always been something about him. That's too bad. I'm bummed, he's probably going to ruin the show for me.

You should ignore them. I honestly don't remember when or where I first learned about Till's murder. It may not have been in school, since I do a lot of reading and always have.

You sound like an idiot.

And he also fed her ludes, so he drugged her first. It takes a real sick shit to defend that, and the person is not safe to be around, and certainly don't leave your 13 yo relative anywhere near someone like that.

Every word of your post is a lie. He drugged her and raped her, and sodomized, and according to her own statements she was crying and saying no no no over and over. And she was 13. You really are a piece of lying shit. Why don't you little shits who don't even know what a pair of tits that aren't your mama's

That was very funny.


Thanks for posting that. I'm happy to see he has the more optimistic view of the ending, which is how I wanted to see it. I like what Todd wrote over at Vox, that the ending itself really isn't ambiguous (I agree), Don went back to McCann and he created the iconic coke ad. But the tone IS ambiguous. You could

Yeah of course he goes back, for all the reasons you say and because Peggy told him to. After Betty dies there will be two people in the world who love Don. Peggy and Sally. Maybe his sons but I don't feel like we saw enough to know. Peggy told him to come home and he's going home. I also think when Stan said Don

Oh I see. MRA whiner. You know what's worse than Joan lying about her son's paternity? LADIES NIGHT WOMEN DRINK HALF PRICE.

She does love Henry. You don't sound too bright.

What is endorsed paternity? Is it something about Joan lying to Greg the rapist about who the father is?

I felt like it was Weiner giving his long time fans something they really wanted and would enjoy. And you know, I appreciated that. It felt like a thank you.

Yes that's how I saw it too.

Hamm is amazing, how is he not in all the movies? (as Harry, laughably, said to Megan). Who can make their face crumble the way he does, with their whole world in their eyes? Jesus, I am going to miss that.

I stopped reading first sentence when they wrote they haven't viewed a lot of the show. Don't care what you have to say then. Of no possible interest or import. Go away.