Daisy Sharp

No she didn't tell him, at least not onscreen. She told him about the visit from the agents because Don had applied for security clearance, that was all. She always kept that a secret and I always thought it was because she was protecting her children.

Yeah I noticed that, you are so right. Hamm looks and sounds so deeply sad.

In other comment sections people are really insisting Don doesn't take his kids, that he leaves them with Henry. And I agree with you, his love for his children is one of his saving graces. And if he did not go back for his kids, that would be the one ending that could and would ruin watching rewatching Mad Men. I

That's what I thought.

Yeah I wish it was too.

Personally I view their relationship as ending because they don't belong together. But given Weiner's infatuation with that character, who knows. I don't think so though. I think it ends with Don understanding there is no perfect woman is going to save him. He has to save himself. I think he did save himself last

I don't think the finale is 2 hours.

TVDW. Not that this wasn't a great review, and I have loved John's reviews here.

I think Todd nails it in his review. Reading it actually made me feel better. Now I can get some work done.

If he does that, and without trying to find a full time nanny by remarrying again, then he will have truly changed. And Weiner does say that Don changed over the course of the series. I think it would be a nice ending and I may be wrong but I think the tragedy was this week…I don't think we're getting an actual

And with him in prison and Betty dead, his kids are still (effectively) orphans. So I don't think that's going to be it, but I've given up guessing. I never saw last night coming so who am I to say.

Yeah I don't dislike Faye at all. But I never thought she'd end up with Don, and I thought she'd be lucky not to, so I felt no Faye-induced backlash towards Megan. Faye has nothing to do with Megan in my view.

Well, I hate her…as much as you can fictional character anyway. There's no excuse for her. She's disgusting. I can go into a long list of examples, and it would actually give me some pleasure to do so, but I won't bother. I won't change your mind…you won't change mine.

In Season 1 she tells Glenn she's 28, so she's 38 in 1970. Almost unbelievably young for smoking induced lung cancer.

"Lung cancer prior to age 40 is not unheard of, but pretty rare. It seemed a contrivance, and Betty didn't deserve it."

Great thoughts, thanks.

I think you've got it. Or maybe I am just hoping you do.

Oh those are excellent points. I also just don't think Weiner really sees Don as a villain. And if he's not an out and out villain, he has to go back to his children. I never viewed Don as an out and out villain either. Many feminists who write about this show, or at least the ones I read, do. I'm as feminist as

Good God. You couldn't have said anything worse. Maybe that you expect to see Diana next week. I hope he doesn't waste one more minute on Megan or Diana, but he probably will. Megan was already a time suck this season, leaving far more compelling and interesting characters with less, and I had hoped we had seen

"Because look at what she was going to be, look at what she might have done."