Daisy Sharp

Yeah. I feel like I resisted the criticism because I was afraid it was coming from a sexist place. But watching it all over again…maybe some of the criticism was coming from sexists, but she's unlikable and there's no excuse for her.

Yeah I thought so too, but now Betty being there precludes that, and I think they were just promo pictures and that party/gala never actually happens.

I've very recently rewatched Mad Men on netflix, from Season 1. And what really stuck out to me (well probably among many things), is just how awful Megan is. I remember tuning out a lot of early criticism of Megan. I don't really know why I did. She's incredibly unlikable. She's selfish, whiny (I think that

That's true. But in between then and now, he recounts to Megan how you are supposed to love your kids as soon as they're born and everyone says you can't imagine how strong and all-encompassing a love it is. And he felt guilty because he didn't feel it…until they grew a bit and then all of a sudden he did. I don't

You can hope all you want that this show is going to rebound, but the fact is The Good Wife did not survive Josh Charles' departure. It just took us a while to see it. At least, it took me a while. I checked out of this show half a season ago and won't be going back. I'd rather remember it as it was. When I

I imagine they're both assholes. It's usually the case, in my experience, that the two biggest assholes in any company can't stand each other. That's how I learned my motto: just because two assholes are fighting doesn't make one of them not an asshole.

I know we just have to wait and see…I feel Don has always loved his children. He's not going to disappear. He is going to come back to NY for his children. Maybe what he's learning on the road is that you can't disappear and that everywhere you go, there you are.

Yes, that's what I think. He is going to go back.

Maybe Kalinda really did f her husband! I agree though.

More networks and Netflix. I am really hoping he goes back to tv.

Not really. He got his piles of money and they offered him piles more, but he walked away with what he has, and will go back to creating his own material now.

Yeah, he didn't want to do any spinoffs. Maybe it was a good decision I guess we'll never know.

No. I completely disagree.

Since they are buying Joan out, I think that would mean her contract is over, and she doesn't have a non-compete? I was thinking that it may end with Joan having a choice - run away with her new rich bf, or join Peggy, and possibly Stan? in a new agency they break off and open. I'm not sure.

There's a scene early in the episode where Don presses his hand against the window in his new office, as if testing to see if it can be pushed open. I think it's supposed to evoke the images that open the show, but it's a false image IMO. Ever since season four's The Suitcase, when Don very pointedly tells Peggy

I'd say so. That's Zosia Mamet…from Girls.

Yep. That's what revenge gets you.

I think it's very possible and even likely Peggy had no respect left for Ted.

Yeah he's thinking so clearly he's in love with a woman it already didn't work out with but neither of them remember why. Trust me, they'll be reminded soon enough

I dont think it's really a bad thing, and I think it's a very human thing. I just don't think it lends itself to Don being absorbed into McCann.