Daisy Sharp

The A- is ridiculous btw. This is an A episode.

I think Don is fooling himself, this isn't a beginning as he insists to the office staff, it is an ending. And we know Don only likes beginnings. I think Don is dying, but not physically. So if I had to guess right now i feel like Don is going to walk away, but not run away. If he ran away and started over as Don

Considering what she told him tonight, I think you'll get your wish. That was an amazing scene.

So reading down in the comments, I see a lot of posters complaining about the reviewer's controversial "politics". Because he writes about how women are portrayed.

You're funny.

I LOVED this show. I'm so glad I read the AV Club because I wouldn't have know about it otherwise. I disagree with this review for the most part, but I am really bummed they killed off Ben. That was stupid.

Well, I wouldn't say no to that, but I feel they would do a lot better with a Sally spinoff.

You're joking right?

Good catch on the implications of Peter Pan, I didn't even think of it.

I don't think it is.

An A episode. I think Sally will figure prominently in the finale and I don't believe this is the last we'll see of her. I love Sally. I'm bummed Weiner supposedly turned down a spinoff. I really, really, want to see a Sally spinoff. She's fascinating and Shipka is just someone you can't take your eyes off.

Really? I don't see Buffy at all. I mean the first episode even ends with the girl in danger who he saves, going to work for them. It's Cordelia in episode 1 season 1 Angel. Do not see Buffy. I am going to read more of the comment sections here to see what everyone is saying. Thanks.

Although after I watched the first episode of Angel, I remember thinking it had Batman overtones.

I just finished the first episode, after reading about this on another AV thread. I hadn't heard about it before. I'm about to begin the second episode. I googled to find out what people were saying and saw lots of comparisons to Batman and Arrow, but all I could think of was Angel. This struck me very much like

He was also the hottest guy on the show. I think it's a mistake if he's dead. Huck is repulsive in every way there is to be repulsive, he basically redefines repulsive and makes it his own. They should definitely have killed him off.

An interesting article. I didn't know she had left Scientology and I also did not know he and Nicole started while he was still married to Rogers. Huh.

That's right, I forgot about that.

Oh, my mistake. I agree they look nothing alike.

I think she does become a social conservative. She made a comment last season regarding a trip Sally wanted to make and how everything was just an excuse for making out. Something close to that. Very judgmental, very these kids today with their sex and drugs and sex. Betty is exactly the kind of woman who would

She's feeble? If we look at Don's two (living) ex-wives, who would you rather be? Megan is a mess. I think it's apparent she has no acting talent, and her world is crashing. Don gives her a check for a million dollars, and now she's got that. What is she going to do with it? Not much is my guess. Betty OTOH got