Daisy Sharp

Really, what part did he give her? She couldn't get a role for anything until she begged him to cast her in that national commercial. Which is what would have led to the soap role. Come on.

And having relationships and flings and marriages with beautiful women has gotten him far, hasn't it? I am not sure what she represents, but I wondered if maybe Don was connecting more with Dick Whitman and trying to find something real. This is not meant to imply that beautiful women aren't real women. I love

I care far less about Joan than I do Sally. I do resent a new character eating up Sally time.

I don't think so. I've rewatched this series from the beginning recently. Megan is much worse than Betty. A spoiled brat who lives off Don and gets angry when he buys her an expensive tv because all her friends are struggling actors and she wants to fit in. As if they haven't noticed she's lying around in a bikini

No no, that's not Betty. Betty is the woman who becomes famous by writing, being on a radio show, getting into politics in some peripheral manner, to tell other women that they should be happy to stay home and serve their husbands and raise their children. Betty is Phyllis Schlafly not Gloria Steinem. I agree with

This is the kind of comment written by a stupid person who thinks they've written something incredibly clever, but they've actually written something that makes no sense. But other stupid people will think it's smart. So you'll have that. If any come along. I see none have yet.

You keep repeating that. It makes you appear like some kind of sick fuck. FYI

Neither was Joan in the first few seasons when she behaved just as horribly to people below her, including Peggy. As for money, Peggy is quite vulnerable as a single woman living on her own, and you don't need partner money to support a child. The child also has a father who should have been paying child support all

I don't know how it will end, but I suspect it will find a way to break my heart. I don't know how they do it but the pull of nostalgia on this show is almost brutally powerful. And I am not one who is very nostalgic.

Yes it was common. My father had a high school diploma and ended up corporate VP of a very large wall street firm.

Maybe it's hard to see Joan as a victim when you've been Joan's victim for so long. Sorry, she's unlikable to me in a way that Peggy isn't. Again, I keep going back to the fact that Joan is a woman who punches down. She doesn't have the guts or character to punch up. But she loves taking all that rage and

I thought Tom and Lorenzo were too hard on Peggy. Joan started the whole thing, once again, by sneering at the very idea that peggy could have experienced being objectified. I mean, Joan is really a nasty person. Do you hear how she talks to her secretary, even on the phone when the secretary buzzes her? Her voice

I have to watch the scene again to be certain, but I am pretty sure that Joan was doing her usual sneering at Peggy (ala, "how would YOU know what it's like?) before Peggy finally snapped "the way you dress" at her. Once again, Joan has no idea how to handle powerful men unless she can sex them or manipulate them via

It was a ridiculous move and all because they wanted to have Bartlet hand over power to the Speaker, a situation he never would have faced if they left Hoynes as VP. I think the rest of the series was the worse for what was a plot point. Still one of my favorite series ever, and I don't think it went downhill after

I watched it. I came away with pretty much the same opinion I've always had. John Travolta probably wanted out a long time ago, and is probably basically decent. They have some heavy shit on him, and I think it goes way beyond his being gay, which I think he is. Cruise is not gay, and the marriage between him and

Pete and Trudy live in Cos Cob, CT.

The way they have been using Kalinda has let me to the conclusion that all that gossip about Archie Panjabi and Julianna Margulies not getting along is more than just gossip. It's true. I hate that it's true because I hate the whole "women can't get along" trope that leads to so many of these (false) stories. But

Wow. I hated last week's episode and loved this one. This reviewer and I are residing on different planets.

It's been a long time comin.

I can't believe people are comparing this episode to last season's riveting "the decision tree". It sucked. I am starting to think that once the series ends, and people look back. it's going to be obvious in retrospect that it did not survive the loss of Josh Charles.