My Weird Garage

But what about all the women that enjoy cheerleading? We should fuck them over “in their best interest”?

I’m curious if you are also against cheerleaders in the NFL/NBA/ etc... Or models in general.

Who cares? Why are you Ramming this down our throats?

Put your cynicism away, Benny0407. No one wants to see that.

I’ma let you finish but the Flex was the best EcoBoost “crossover” of all time.

Oh fuck off with that nonsense. You don’t need to see the car they “designed and built and manufactured” because they’re not claiming that they can do those things. The “I’d like to see you do better” argument is the scum on the bottom of the cesspit of bad defenses against criticism. Tesla’s stated purpose is to

Look at the upper right corner of your windshield next time you are driving in snow/rain/whatever. Note how the arc of the wiper doesn’t clear the corner. That’s on the passenger side for a reason. If the wipers run the other way, that uncleaned area will hamper the driver’s vision.

You say it’s sheet metal is on display. Do you think they just take the finished body and sick vinyl on it?

At least blur the background out. I agree that someone is going to lose their job if they haven’t already. As a nurse, the equivalent action in my industry is to snoop/leak protect health information on high profile patients, which is invariably discovered. The result is loss of employment, steep fines, and possible

What an odd question.

Aaaaaand here it is, I was waiting for the inevitable article targeting a specific man for his response. And despite the fact that he may have been adequately prepared to discuss it, we’re just not going to mention how Spencer going “Time’s Up on....what?” like he’s three years old may have thrown him off?

This situation (rape and assault) is a glorious goldmine for bloggers who have no time for facts only “content”.

They say something, you write a scathing takedown of their inadequate responses.

As of right now this sounds to me like a mental health/substance abuse thing, which means we are owed, and should expect, no explanation.

I have snow tires. They aren’t necessary. at least not always.

4c > corvette

Why not use the local guy for a test drive and shop NATIONALLY. There is a new one for 57k on cars.com

A college buddy works for lockheed and a few co-workers jumped over to Spacex.given teh culture i can’t see how it is sustainible for long term company of burning people out.

That carbon trim looks awful. I know it’s an option, but the whatever else is available (wood or aluminum, presumably) would be miles better.

Are you aware what understeer means ? It doesn’t mean you have to turn the wheel harder. It means that when you turn the wheel harder, the front end continues to slide.