My Weird Garage


I know we’re supposed to be laughing at Pryor, but anyone who fake swings on someone to try to get them to flinch is a huge douche.

Sounds so good. So fast, so nice.

It’s awful on the GX and LX - ruins two otherwise good looking SUVS.

Two words: stereotype; condescending.

Oh, for dog’s sake. If somebody enjoys a well-done steak, just let them enjoy their well done steak. How exactly are they harming you? I swear, steak fanatics are worse than vegans when it comes to food snobbery.

“I don’t want to do this because it makes me and my family uncomfortable,” is full-enough reason not to do something, full stop.

The GS looks good, the IS is sexy, the LC is gorgeous, the new LS is also extremely attractive.

No, none at all. Even without any spoken lines, she’s still pretty terrible.

Eat what you like. I think this modern era where this is this “correct” way to eat something is so fucking stupid. If well-done steak with ketchup tastes good to you, then eat it. If a bleu-rare steak that was seared for 30 seconds on each side that’s still mooing, then eat it. If you like a medium-rare steak, then

I feel like I am standing outside the Church of Miata, wondering why everyone is inside. They sure seem to be having a good time in there, but I just don't think it's for me.

Very true, M4 is a very nice car and probably has a bigger back seat area too. I guess for me personally I kind of hold Porsche in a tier above Mercedes/BMW/Audi (I have an Audi A4 right now) so it’s sitting in that very uncommon intersection of reasonable daily driver with seating for four, almost exotic status with

Ironic that this is the first hellcat I’ve seen without splitter protectors in a while and it could have used them.

I agree, Musk shouldn’t have gambled that $420 a share he potentially didn’t have on hand by bluffing about taking the company private, and I also agree he shouldn’t be attempting to illegally manipulate the market in shady ways. 

Right is right and wrong is wrong. You’re willing to overlook Musk’s possible illegal actions because of your disdain for short sellers. Its people like you who don’t want to apply the law and ethics equally, when it’s not convenient to you, is why our society is going to shit. 

If your dealer deceives you about a hand then you have a clear grievance. 

Thank you! Finally somebody we can see eye to eye with

You’re an idiot.

How dare you do this shit while being on one of history’s greatest crime shows.

Yes! And while we’re at it let’s see Tom Hiddlestone play Shaft.