My Weird Garage

First Gear: this is a dumb take. Alfa Romeo in the US is basically like Tesla - damn-near a startup, fledgling car company. Their boost in sales is commendable, and doesn’t deserve any snarky backhanded compliments or comparisons to BMW.

1 Giulia for every 6 3-Series actually doesn’t sound that bad to me, technically speaking or not, given the ubiquity of the 3-Series and what Alfa is starting from (nigh on scratch).

Right? There’s even a helpful graph in the article showing, clearly, that Alfa had its best year in the States ever, not just judged against their nonexistence here in the past 20 years. They really need to get over the fact that their tester broke down.

A 23-fold increase is excellent. Suggesting they’re failures because they’re not selling nearly as well as BMW is pretty dumb. BMW has been in the market for decades, Alfa-Romeo is starting from scratch after a very long absence. Jeez.

Why buy that when they made these? Throw some go fast bits at it and make it the barge you need!

I’m not particularly into YouTube (though I do have my rabbit holes), but I cannot get worked up about this particular “scandal.”

I honestly never heard of Logan Paul until the news broke out yesterday. Everyone was flipping shit, I checked out the video myself and...

Almost like I said all jokes aside............ as in I was joking...........

No, the translation is: “Ferrari, The Ferrari” The name was given because it is pinnacle Ferrari. The name isn’t dumb.

Anyone’s 2018 Ford GT need a proper engine? :P

You pretty much outlined what’s “wrong” with it, in that it costs extra money at an almost gauranteed loss. Car companies are in the business of making money first and foremost, with second priority going to implementing the newest features (for the least amount of money...which sorta relates to the #1); decades of

I can’t sit this next to any other optioned $50k car (like this one cost) and after sitting in each justify buying this car. That interior would depress me. Using the touch screen on my current car while driving to do something is frustrating enough, having to do everything that way is terrible. How does this car not

LBJ is still the man - looks like brick wall, folds like a house of cards.

Infiniti Q60 3.00 Sport AWD

FTFY. The 4C was the bee’s knees. The upcoming Alpine 110 looks like it’s cut from the same cloth, and will most likely be wicked-good fun as well.

Dear Brickenstcok,

How many FCA cars? 4?

I often use the full contact car wash during winter and never had any issues. It may not be the best for the paint but it is still better than leaving the winter dirt on it.

Um, respectively, who gives a fuck? I’d be willing bet (a small denomination) more than 10% of all Americans work more over 60 hours a week. I mean I get the fact that Uber employees are driving around other humans, but considering if you drove to work for your job, drove as your job, and then drove to do anything

Frankly I see no reason to go VW if you want a hot hatches when the Ford offerings exist. The interiors are slightly more upscale in the GTI and Golf R, but if that was your main concern then sorry mate you probably didn’t really want a hot hatches to begin with.