My Weird Garage

But all advertisement is objectification. Every single last marketing concept is the packaging of a form of objectification in order to convince people that they need something.

True, but on the flip side Subaru also has something like 74 straight months of increasing sales. They are doing well.

The sole purpose of the RS is to steal customers,

Have you asked the grid girls what they think? Do they need you (a big strong man I’m sure) to save them from their evil jobs? Should they wear full body covering and not be allowed to leave the house. Should we create a list of acceptable jobs for women? Do we need more regulation on women’s lives and choices?

He’s wrong because he’s a backmarker? Would you reverse your opinion if he were a championship contender?

Because there are vast numbers - both men and women - who devote their lives to being offended…

Disparaging a line of work (and trying to eliminate it) is not shitting on those who choose that line of work? I guess you should tell those girls this is nothing personal while they’re in the unemployment line, that’ll make them feel better.

I’ll never understand how wanting to take jobs and money from the women who model is somehow considered a feminist stance. You’d think women would support each other and cheer on other women who are working and making a nice living for themselves. But who am I to judge right?

Devils advocate here. My friend Liz is a professional model, motorsport enthusiast and owns a killer RX-7. She actually looks forward to the F1 and MotoGP race at COTA in which she is a grid girl.

Why is it stereotypical that girls that choose to model are looked down upon by the very women that should support them?

I see Jalopnik is really doubling down on this opinion.

You can’t like someone who does bad things? Everyone I know does bad things.

In regard to Flatliners, arguably, redoing a mediocre movie is exactly what a remake is *for*. There’s a chance that they might actually get it right. Not that I saw the redone Flatliners, but I greatly prefer the idea of that than pointless remakes of classics that can only be worse.

Eminem’s Revival seems to be getting bashed, but this album is good to me. I feel like it’s getting undue hate because a lot of people have a very narrow definition of what rap is. Because Eminem makes a lot of pop-rap and rock-rap, people just automatically go, “IT’S THE WORST ALBUM EVER!” This album had better raps

Disagree, they look amazing all the time. Class all the way

A C5 Z06???? Makes you look rich? By rich do you mean in the eyes of someone whom would support Roy Moore? Or whom would “thank I sure do have a purty mouth”?

Whoa, car maker currently not invested in autonomous finds survey findings that support that position? SHOCKED.

Autonomous has a ton of value for those with disabilities, those who are prohibited from driving, and in the commercial space; beyond that, the average person is just one test ride away from being “oh this

This site has definitely become more politicized over the years. It wasn’t that long ago that this site had galleries dedicated to the models from every major auto show.

Well that’s one way to make a racing series that is already not exciting even less so.

Came for the picture, not disappointed. PC is killing the world. Guess we should ban Cosmopolitan magazine as well? Was a shirtless guy on the cover on the one my wife received this month and that’s all over supermarkets. I guess little boys that get groceries think that’s all they can be. Come here for cars not for

Why would someone want to do this, exactly?