My Weird Garage

When other companies make competitive electric cars, tell me where you would rather be:

As a former resident of Michigan I know that the surface rust you can see also means there is rust you can’t see....Based on that alone this is a CP

Or…you could just run for president and win. According to recent political commentary “if the president does it, it’s not illegal” :P

lol, ok. You dont want to look at reality and all of past history and the movements that have faded away. Please dont. I love rose colored glasses too.

This is terrible reporting. So much salt in this article, it’s giving me high blood pressure. So because you cant afford a line of products, it is automatically brainwashing brand marketing targeting idiots with too much money? How about being a line of products produced to supply a demand clearly communicated to

Ew, you got some Splinter in my Jalopnik.

Its only a crime if you get caught.

“...because of what’s called a “SOFA Agreement,” German soldiers are allowed to bring their Euro-market cars to the U.S. and drive them legally without American titles.”

From what you wrote, the interviewer was removed from his position for the line of questioning.

It’s an extraordinarily crass way of asking “are we going to have your talents for 9 months, followed by a need to find a sub for the next 3?”. Not a terribly bad thing for an employer to plan for, but there’s 1,173 better ways to ask this.

It’s ok, Ryan can’t fathom a thought outside the far left agenda. It’s not his fault he’s a fool.

The last car I buy will be a Tesla Mobility Scooter. 0 to 6.0 mph in 2.5 seconds, self-driving, two cup holders, two IV holders, one colostomy bag holder, and self-retracting footrests.

Not that I’m terribly doubting her claims here, but some of these quotes just sound way too corn-ball to be real...

They would call in their purchased favors from every member of congress before allowing their own wrists to be slapped.

Is a slightly dirtier than advertised diesel golf hurting the environment more than a full-sized diesel pickup or SUV?

Fourth Gear: Let him serve his sentence in Germany. This is the first sensible thing that has come out of the dieselgate persecution.

Ah the irony of being a Bernie bro while driving a $140,000 car.

They have 70,ooo employees in 16 countries. In addition to cars, they are selling power packs and solar panels. They had their IPO in 2010. They have billions in capital assets.

I have literally never seen a car younger than 15 years with a broken handle.

He’s also a Bernie Bro who spends most of his time tweeting conspiracy theories, calling for a socialist revolution and raging about one thing or another, so, yeah.