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This story, along with that influencer story from a week ago (Caroline Calloway, just had to google her name to remember her) has convinced me these media types live in a bubble. I’ve heard of neither of these people*. Or maybe it me that lives in a bubble. But my bubble is way more entertaining than theirs.
This shit is some boring New York-centric in-fighting.
I’d have expected Lauren Duca to have a more interesting username.
Feel free to take her syllabus-less class where tweeting is 20% of the grade lol
I’m shocked. A modern columnist invents their own rulebook for winging it as they go along, disregards conventional journalistic standards of integrity that might make factual inaccuracies less prevalent, and goes on to teach a course after they become prolific where students question if they invested wisely?
Hey man, when we can’t dunk on Cricket stans, the imperialists have won.
I know what you said are technically names and words, but just a heads up, none of it makes sense.
Detroit, because they are probably the largest city without a professional football team.
Oh, so that’s why that bizarre 9-year old post is trending today.
Yeah that was the real problem with the show. It was completely uneven and when it actually had good point, THEY SHOUTED IT INTO THE GROUND. Jeff Daniels was always the best part of the show though. To the point where I would almost like to see a follow up of mostly his character reacting to the current craziness. I…
Doesn’t Fox News keep Diamond and / or Silk on retainer, sleeping in a little room just off camera, for just such an emergency?
Also, fuck them fonts... all 39 of them.
Somebody installed the fistball expansion pack.
I’d guess that the membership of both organization has significant overlap.
I wish we could punish fans like these, but they are already Browns fans.
“Dolphins head coach Brian Flores declared on Friday, ‘I have a good team.’”