
It’s woke Superbad. Good Boys is sixth grade Superbad. I’m fine with both of those things. I saw both movies, Booksmart was better than Good Boys and I enjoyed it (not quite as much as the raving reviews, but it was solid). But between the marketing and the actual plot of the movie, there’s no avoiding the comparison

I can see why she wants to be perceived as a totally original genius but at the same time her movie is exactly like “Superbad”.

Booksmart was great, but it was also Superbad with girls. Is that bad? It’s like how Hereditary was Rosemary’s Baby.

dont bring your bible to school - its killed more people than guns could ever hope to.

Isis is an actual name.

Please don’t pity this monster.

Dutch dude here:

[Extremely Steve Miller Voice]♫ Some people callllll him prisoner number 456-895 ♫

So the minimum wage staffer misheard or misspelled his name on a coffee cup and he cries discrimination even after they try to apologize? I have a name that can sound like other words and can’t keep track of the number of times I’ve seen bizarre spellings or other names/words used by mistake.

Reminds me of this product I saw at Xmas last year in a Lidl.  It was a box to make “Ninjabread” cookies lol.

We’ve got our own flavors

“It shows we’re all the same. Except for you, whitey, you don’t have any cocoa solids at all.”


something funny about an actual Nazi also being a grammar nazi

One of those kids is probably his.

Someone with no kids voluntarily joining a two-day road trip with a family that includes 1- and 4-year-olds is one of the craziest fucking things I’ve ever heard. After about hour eight, he’ll probably call ahead to a urologist in Florida and schedule a vasectomy before even returning home to Chicago.

Billy is Deadspin’s Colin Cowherd please don’t @ me

I just want to say with admiration, you either aren’t as pathetically attached to your “approved” status as I am, or you have giant fucking balls!

The soccer comments are dickish because Billy has been told the same complaints about his writing over and over and over for years - enough with the ridiculous paragraph-long run-on sentences, the use of fourteen paragraphs to make an incredibly banal point that could have been made in two sentences, the constant