
A Bryan Goldberg machine is a device designed to perform a simple task incorrectly.

I live and worked as an aid worker in Ukraine. Honestly, it’s not a problematic phrase and it’s weird to see it framed that way in foreign press because Russia objects to it.

Per the letter-writer, it’s just the term used in child advocacy circles that means calling the abuse hotline to report the crime.

Some ignore it. They’ve think, “So and so would never do something like that” or chalk it up to an overactive imagination.  Some of these parents were victimized themselves.  It’s brutal. 

I’m not even sure I want the answer to this but......how are many parents not like this? They don’t take action? They ignore it?

I’ve worked in law enforcement for 20 years. Sadly, many parents aren’t like you.  For what it is worth, great job. You took action immediately. This isn’t your fault, or hers.  I’m so sorry. 

Thanks for sharing this, I’m sure most of us would have no idea what to do if this happened to us or a family member.

She’ll make you take your
Clothes off and go dancing in the rain
She’ll make you live her crazy life
But she’ll take away your pain
Like a bullet to your brain

Probably both? If you’re a Ukrainian nationalist for whatever reason, you’re probably pretty pissed off at Putin for literally stealing part of your country and funding a years-long guerrilla war to try to steal more of it.

My early consolations to Vukojevic’s family, after he (inevitably) dies from self inflicted radiation poisoning and driving his car off a cliff, while stabbing himself 56 times.  

Living la Vida Slava

Boy I really want to live in the sweet land of milk and honey that is the universe where this is actually the worst tweet ever.

Making old white people look clueless will never not be funny.

I’m gonna get a lot of flack for this but my take is Scarlett Johansson is conventionally attractive and a bonefide star, proven as a lead capable of carrying a movie?

I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to put your socks in the pool, swim with a shirt on, or let your baby in the water with a regular diaper.


However, NONE of this is worth calling the cops over. None of it. The neighborly thing to do would be to offer to lend him a pair of flip-flops, or something.

You know,

Fuck, man.

He’ll be video director at Daily Beast.

Director of Internet Content for Sinclair Broadcasting.

You think this international billion dollar bridge is being paid for by Detroit, the city?

There’s already a Gordie Howe bridge, in Saskatoon. It ain’t a marvel of engineering like this one, though.