Are they different people?
Are they different people?
/self-assured chuckling
//furious note-taking
They lost to Eagles 41-33.
I don’t even want to click on the video between the Seahawks and Falcons. Just tell me how the Pats won and get it over with.
He scored from first on a single earlier in that series too.
Somehow, he has been lost in the Trout-Harper thing, but he’s just as good.
Bryant doesn’t get enough credit for his baserunning — dude is surprisingly fast. Like, in Game 7 of the World Series (which the Cubs won), he scored from third on a popout to shallow left (you can hear Addison Russell say “God damn it!” right after he hit it). Huge play that gets overlooked in the rest of the game’s…
What do the Colangelo family’s various twitter feeds have to say about the Phillies this season?
If Dr. Amann never sued Punk/Cabana no one but those deepest inside the wrestling bubble would know who he was, not to mention he’s out his own legal fees (as are Punk and Cabana of course). Then again, if WWE was the Peter Thiel to his Hulk Hogan he doesn’t have to worry about the latter.
how many times are we going to do this dance?
I don’t know man. I’m trying to get you to see this conflict in it’s proper historical context and acknowledge the nuance and humanity on both sides but you just keep coming back with one side being innocent children and the other side reprehensible child murderers. I get that you feel as a white European christian…
“Hamas are not anyone’s first choice to run a government.”
But if we’re at “fuck off”, then there’s nothing else to say is there?
Death threats to players over a warm-up soccer match is insane. The Palestinians will have to acknowledge the existence of an Israeli state sooner or later.
“Protests outside of Argentina’s Barcelona training camp followed the move. Argentinian authorities say their players faced death threats, and striker Gonzalo Higuain said, “They’ve finally done the right thing.” Argentinian FA vice president Hugo Moyano said, “I think it’s a good thing that the match between…
that partition plan was rejected and there was a war. What I meant above is that in the negotiations that have happened to date, the status of east jerusalem has been the sticking point, not west jerusalem, which it is generally understood will remain in Israeli hands as part of any comprehensive agreement.
Name checks out.
“Jerusalem is considered the capital of Palestine.” Kind of an odd sentence, absent attribution (considered by whom?), given that it’s currently the capital of Israel and is at the heart of the I-P dispute. Meanwhile, the status of the western part of Jerusalem isn’t in dispute, except to those who want the State of…
Canceling the match, that’ll shalom.
And international relations between Israel and Argentina continue to be strained, I just can’t put mein finger on how it started.