
Been living here about 3 years and here’s what I’ll pass along to tourists and newcomers:

Literally nowhere in this article is the phrase “worthless white person.”So you putting it in quotes kinda just proves that you’re here to stir shit up. So, on behalf of useless white people (the phrase actually used) who read this article, kindly shut the hell up, you’ll come across smarter for it.

Or, you know, you can not be a shithead and see that he’s pissed at the double standard being put forward by the NCAA by punishing one kid for going to classes while reversing a school’s punishment for having fake classes for its athletes to keep them eligible. But sure, your theory also works if you don’t have enough

Yeah, we’re the fragile snowflakes, not the assholes getting up in arms because people decided to kneel during a song as a show of protest against the way people of color, particularly black men, are treated in this country.

You do realize there’s a difference between saying “Fuck that guy we’re not giving him an award,” and “Fuck you, I refuse to recognize your right to express political opinions,” right?

Yeah, but did he predict it in 2014?

Aside from that sweet, sweet flavored crust thing they have going on Howie’s is trash. They should stick to hockey tape.

Pictured: President Trump and the example of how thin he wants Mrs. Trump IV to be

A dinosaur with more progressive politics than her husband and his friends

I know these coaches at NC State. AW Hamilton was Beverly’s coach during his post-grad year at Hargrave Military Academy. I think AW moving to NC State in the off season had about as much to do with Beverly’s transfer request as Matta’s retirement. That said (and I know I’m reiterating the piece above but) it’s

Things like this really make me miss covering this sport and that track in particular. Really gives me the warm fuzzies about the Harvick/Ty Dillion hammer throwing incident from 2013.

I like that they consider that not all of us buying tanks are taking them to areas without rain and snow. Because when spending upwards of $175K on a bullet-proof machine used to escape (or cause) certain death what’s another $750 for a weatherproof car cover

While I agree with you, that has absolutely nothing to do with the point I was making which is WWE Names lots of PPVs after a gimmick match that will happen once in the night instead of just naming it something normal (whatever that actually means) and having that match go on at some point in time over the course of

Solution: Don’t name PPVs after gimmick matches and people like you will shut up about the lack of shitty gimmick matches (that don’t need and haven’t earned the stipulations therein.) We don’t need multiple more than one or two HIAC matches a year, there’s no need for a HIAC PPV. Same goes for TLC, Elimination

A candidate for mayor of Knox County, TN participated in attempted manslaughter/murder last night on live tv, but you won’t hear about that on the LAME STREAM MEDIA

Daaaaamn Daaaaamn Gina

Not saying this is the case 100% of the time, or even 50% or 25%, but at the end of the day, sometimes putting our fists down and opening our ears and hearts can move even the most stubborn racist:

Lovie Smith is basically Jeff Fisher without the mustache